18 December, 2010

Congratulations to Drew Brees

Hats off to New Orleans Saints (and former Purdue) quarterback Drew Brees. He has been named Sports Illustrated’s Sportsman of the Year.

Go Drew!

Palin Couldn’t Be President of Black America or Hispanic America

So says Richard Cohen of the Washington Post.

Sarah Palin teases that she might run for president. But she is unqualified - not just in the (let me count the) usual ways, but because she does not know the country. She could not be the president of black America nor of Hispanic America. She knows more about grizzlies than she does about African Americans - and she clearly has more interest in the former than the latter.

Remember that being a liberal means having contradictory thoughts and not seeing the contradiction. They’d fit in well in Orwell's 1984. Liberals claim to be all about inclusion and integration, when in fact they are all about exclusion and segregation. They see African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans and Irish-Americans and a thousand others. They see Hispanic America and Black America.

Conservatives see Americans and America. I don’t give a whit that President Barack Obama (D-USA) is black. Or half-black, or Kenyan, or whatever. I care that he’s a stupid, inept President that is destroying our country and turning it into a third world nation.

Mr. Cohen, your words show the elitist snob you are. Sarah Palin understands our country in ways that the Obamas never will. When she looks out across our nation and talks to our people, she sees our successes and our failures, our strengths, and our weaknesses, our hopes and dreams, and our despairs and nightmares. And she sees where we can go if we follow our hopes and dreams. The Obamas only see where we can go if we announce our guilt over our failures and weaknesses. That is a weak attitude from a weak person. Mrs. Palin’s attitude is one of strength.

That’s why Mrs. Obama has never been proud of her country. She never even sees the strengths. She is a weak person and so is her husband. Their desire has been to make Americans feel shame for our history, not pride. Well, they have accomplished that, at the very least. I’m ashamed of what our country did on November 4, 2008.

Mr. Cohen, Sarah Palin is extremely qualified to be President. Not because she’s a Caucasian American, but because she’s an American.

You need to learn the difference.

Big Surprise. Democrats Hate Fox News

Well, why shouldn’t they? Everyone wants reliable news, right? And we’ve commented on Faux News before. Oh yeah, that’s right. None of those were on Fox. And surprisingly, the Democrats didn’t complain about them. So, faux news isn’t the problem. Maybe, like Lt. Daniel Kaffee, they “can’t handle the truth”.

The other thing they can’t handle is the First Amendment, because since they can’t handle the truth, they want to shut it up.

These ideas are not just from lunatics at the fringe, but leaders of the party, people like Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Howard Dean.

Don’t believe me? Let’s go to the tape.

And here.


Notice they’ve gotten a bit craftier here. They know that MSNBC is hard left and has been beaten up a bit lately, so they throw them under the bus along with Fox News in an effort to look like they are balanced.  Make no mistake. This isn’t about MSNBC. This is about shutting up Fox News. That’s what the resurgence of talk about the Fairness Doctrine has always been about. Shutting up Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. If they have to take down MSNBC in the process, that’s no big deal. No one watches them anyway.

Liberals always claim to be all about tolerance. Yet this is just one more of the numerous examples of them showing that they are the intolerant ones. Voices of dissension can not be tolerated. President Barack Obama (D-USA) has made a point of attacking Fox and Rush since day one of his administration. In fact, that’s about the only thing for which he’s shown unrelenting consistency.

Let’s check a couple quotes from those videos again.

From Dean:

Americans don’t know what’s going on and therefore the media can have their way with them intellectually.

And from Rockefeller:

There’s a little bug inside of me which wants to get the FCC (Federal Communications Committee) to say to Fox and to MSNBC “Out.  Off.  End.  Goodbye.” Would be a big favor to political discourse, our ability to do our work here in Congress and to the American people to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and more importantly in their future.  We need slimmed down channel packages that better respect what we really want to watch

These are terrifying words. Dean thinks that government control of the media is the answer to an uninformed electorate. And Rockefeller wants to eliminate diversity with “slimmed down channel packages”.

You know, they tried this in the Soviet Union. They had two newspapers, one controlled by the Communist party, and one controlled by the Soviet government. Those were the only two allowed news sources. The names of the two newspapers were Pravda and Izvestia, which mean “truth” and “news” respectively. This led to a popular Russian saying, "v Pravde net izvestiy, v Izvestiyakh net pravdy", which translates to “In the Truth there is no news, and in the News there is no truth.”

This is what the Democrats want. No truth and no news. Only Democrat approved spin. And then they will own you and the country, lock, stock, and barrel.