The comic strip “Peanuts” (then named “Lil Folks”) by Charles Schulz is published for the first time.
02 October, 2021
This Is Beyond Frightening
Biden administration demands Facebook hands over data on "misinformation" and vaccine skeptics (
Next, the Gestapo or KGB makes a dawn raid at your house.
According to them, The White House and Facebook have had a series of meetings whose aim was to get the social media giant to turn over massive amounts of user data to the government, apparently as a “good will gesture” – since there doesn’t seem to be any legal ground for such a request.
Instead, the “tense” meetings saw the administration’s COVID crew “begging” Facebook to give them access to data showing how many people on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp see content branded as coronavirus misinformation, how many are still undecided whether to get the jab, and also the efficiency of Facebook’s censorship algorithms, i.e., how many people still get to see content that it aims to block.
Amazing that Facebook realizes that this isn’t a good idea. But they understand that if they don’t protect their users, they won’t have any.
Yes. Yes They Do.
Surgeon General Vivek Murthy says people have no right to spread "misinformation" (
How you get to be in such a high position in American Government without understanding American principles is completely beyond me. There is no “misinformation” exception to the First Amendment.
And it’s worth pointing out that just because you disagree with something, that doesn’t make it misinformation. You might be wrong, you know. In fact, if there’s anything that this China Virus has taught us, it’s that our “experts” are often wrong.
US authorities seem to be doubling down on their policy of enlisting the help of Big Tech and traditional media in suppressing what they see as medical misinformation being spread by users of social networks and accounts run by these privately-owned corporate giants.
US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy told CNN that media outlets and journalists should play an instrumental role in stopping people from speaking about their choices regarding COVID – although he acknowledged that they still have the right to those choices.
That’s awfully nice of him. You can (for the moment) still make your own choices about the China virus. But if those choices differ from the official mantra, you can’t tell people about them.
The emperor has no clothes.
Twitter Enlists the Aid of the Stormtroopers
New Twitter feature lets users report "misinformation" (
What could possibly go wrong?
Twitter has stated that it will begin testing a new reporting function for users to flag tweets containing suspected “misinformation” around COVID-19.
According to The Verge, users will be able to report misinformation using the same procedure they use to report “harassment” or other content using the new tool.
Do yourself a favor. Look up “Hitler’s Youth”.
Strange–This Wasn’t Disrespectful Last Year. What Changed?
Instagram blocks critical comments of Biden through it's "disrespectful" content filter (
Instagram introduced a selection of new tools this year, intended at assisting users in protecting their accounts against “harassment.”
However, the tool appears to be working to protect the Biden administration from some unwanted criticism. In response to President Biden’s handling of the Afghan evacuation, Instagram invoked a comment-censoring effort to protect him from “disrespectful” words.
I tried it myself.
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) August 17, 2021
“Loser” can’t be posted to Biden’s Instagram account at POTUS. Comment blocked for Community Guidelines.
You can’t call President Biden (D-USA) a loser on Instagram. Huh. Imagine if that rule had bee in place from 2017-2020. I wonder why it wasn’t.
I won’t censor you here. Please feel free to call President Joe Biden (D-USA) a loser. Because that is, in fact, an accurate description. I’d let you call him that though even if it weren’t. I believe in free speech.
Let’s Face It. If His Name Was Donald Trump Jr., All of the Hunter Biden Stories Would Be Front Page News
Facebook suspends news outlet for reporting on latest Hunter Biden story (
However, in this new scandal, Facebook seems to be running to Hunter’s defense again.
Biden was caught on video with an alleged prostitute in a video published by the British newspaper Daily Mail, describing how Russian drug traffickers may be blackmailing him over a stolen laptop (not the one described in the initial New York Post article).
The video then shows Hunter alleging that there are possibly incriminating videos of him “doing crazy fucking sex” on the laptop but showed no nudity.
Facebook took down The Western Journal’s coverage of the controversy from its platform on Thursday. Amidst all the action, The Western Journal was also barred from streaming on the platform for the next 30 days.
You can’t handle the truth. So Big Tech protects you from it.
LinkedIn Gets in the Act
Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water.
LinkedIn censors Harvard medical professor Martin Kulldorff (
What was Professor Kulldorff’s crime?
As a result of his claims that public health authorities have been overstating the protective properties of masks, Twitter temporarily suspended respected COVID-19 policies critic, Martin Kulldorff in June.
The Harvard Medical school professor had seemed to continue on LinkedIn but it appears lightning has struck twice in his case. Following his one-month suspension from Twitter, Martin Kulldorff turned to LinkedIn to share news and comments on COVID-19 policy.
You aren’t allowed to express your opinions anymore if those opinions conflict with the Ministry of Truth.
Maher Has Had Enough
Bill Maher Reacts To NFL Playing Black National Anthem (
The most irritating thing about Maher is that he is a lefty that pretends to be a libertarian. The least irritating things about him are that he’s moderately self-aware and pretty damn smart. I wouldn’t want to try to debate him on most things, even when he’s clearly wrong.
Having said that, he’s right here.
Speaking on the matter, Maher said, “I saw last night on the football game, Alicia Keys sang ‘Lift Every Voice and Sing,’ which now I hear is called the black national anthem. Now, maybe we should get rid of our national anthem, but I think we should have one national anthem.”
Maher added, “I think when you go down a road where you’re having two different national anthems, colleges sometimes now have — many of them have different graduation ceremonies for black and white, separate dorms — this is what I mean! Segregation! You’ve inverted the idea. We’re going back to that under a different name.”
This is segregation, and it has the tinge of racism. We should try to be above that. The left wants us divided though. It’s how they win.
Hooray for Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates
Biden Unveils Authoritarian Vaccine Mandate – PJ Media
Look. I’m vaccinated. I think you should be too. I think that if you’re not vaccinated, then you should consider isolating yourself. But I won’t force you to do either.
But…this is wrong.
Biden then announced that the Department of Labor would issue an emergency rule requiring employers with more than 100 employees to mandate vaccines or weekly testing. This order will cover 80 million employees. Employers will be required to pay workers for time to get vaccinated. In an odd assertion, he said this would protect vaccinated employees from unvaccinated coworkers.
Any healthcare facility that receives Medicare or Medicaid funding must also require vaccination. Some estimates report that as many as 40% of healthcare workers are not vaccinated. There is also a skilled nursing shortage. It is unclear how mandates will affect this trend. In Oregon, where cases are rising, 111 nurses are already on administrative leave for remaining unvaccinated.
Using the coercion of government contract requirements, Biden will require private companies that contract with the government to implement a vaccine mandate. Vaccination will also be a requirement for employment in the federal government. There will no longer be an exemption for routine testing. In total, the new plan will affect 100 million workers.
Will future generations even understand the concept of Freedom? I wonder.
If You’re Surprised by This, Then You Haven’t Been Paying Attention
It Looks Like Biden’s Presidency Will Be as Disastrous for Black America as Obama’s Was – PJ Media
President Donald Trump’s (R-USA) administration was probably the best thing for Black Americans in the last 50 years, maybe since Lincoln. Unemployment levels were the lowest in history.
But now?
Another inconvenient truth about the Obama “recovery” is that black Americans were largely left behind.
And Biden seems to be continuing that trend. Just like Obama before him, while most Americans are slowly returning to work, black unemployment has gone up.
The rise in Black unemployment in August is certainly troubling, considering their unemployment rates were already much higher than any other group. Black men's unemployment hit 9.1% in August while white men are now down to 4.4%, lower than Black men's unemployment ever.
— Elise Gould (@eliselgould) September 3, 2021
But at least we got rid of Orange Man Bad.
You voted for this. #IToldYouSo
It’s Time This Went Both Ways
Florida Diner's Sign Telling Biden Voters to Go Elsewhere Has a Huge Impact on its Business – PJ Media
A Florida diner recently posted a sign asking Biden voters to take their business elsewhere.
The warning reads, “If you voted for and continue to support and stand behind the worthless, inept and corrupt administration currently inhabiting the White House that is complicit in the death of our servicemen and women in Afghanistan, please take your business elsewhere. God bless America and God bless our soldiers.”
Fox reports that the sign has caused a massive business boom for the diner.
The DeBary Diner, located in DeBary, Florida and owned by Angie Ugarte, was closed on September 2 after running out of food following a surge in demand after a sign was posted on the front door slamming Biden’s chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal and telling his supporters to take their business somewhere else, according to the West Volusia Beacon.
“I’ve gotten so many people calling me from all over the world, from Europe, trying to purchase meals for veterans, which I still haven’t been able to organize,” Ugarte told the Daytona Beach News-Journal. “I think that the veterans will be fed for the rest of the year at the rate I’m getting donations.”
We’ve accepted far too much of this sort of behavior from the Left. I’m glad to see that someone is fighting back, and successfully.
If you don’t like it, maybe you shouldn’t support businesses like Google, Facebook, and even Chase Bank, that try to censor conservatives. Maybe you shouldn’t support conservatives being harassed while they eat.
And maybe you shouldn’t have voted for President Joe Biden (D-USA).
01 October, 2021
You Can Get Impeached Over Phone Calls–That’s The Rule, Right?
Jen Psaki Dodges Question About Damning Leaked Biden Call With Afghan President – PJ Media
On Wednesday, Reuters published a transcript of a leaked call between Joe Biden and Afghani President Ashraf Ghani from July. In the call, Biden told Ghani to lie about the situation in his country.
“I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden told the former Afghanistan president. “And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.”
“Mr. President, we are facing a full-scale invasion, composed of Taliban, full Pakistani planning and logistical support, and at least 10-15,000 international terrorists, predominantly Pakistanis thrown into this, so that dimension needs to be taken account of,” Ghani responded.
That seems a heck of a lot worse than anything President Donald Trump (R-USA) said in any phone call. Just sayin’.
I Think You’re Islamophobic If You WON’T Say That
Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Islam Is Not A Religion of Peace – PJ Media
The UK’sIndependent on Thursday published an article detailing the latest enormity committed by the conservative congresswoman the establishment media loves to hate: “Marjorie Taylor Greene faces angry backlash after Islamophobic tweet: ‘Islam is not a religion of peace.’” There’s just one problem with the Independent’s scenario: Greene is right. Islam really isn’t a religion of peace.
The only reason for refusing to admit the obvious is that you’re afraid of the consequences of doing so. In my mind, that’s islamophobia. #ReligionOfPeace my a**.
I’d Say The Meaning Is Clear–He’s Running. I Haven’t Decided How I Feel About That
DEVASTATING: What's the Real Meaning Behind Trump's Biden Ad? – PJ Media
Some good ads at the link. But we’ll just skip to the Trump one:
Heh. “Asking For A Friend…”
Donald Trump Jr. Weighs in on Afghanistan Disaster—and It's a Doozy – PJ Media
Presented without comment:
So are we talking about impeachment yet? Asking for a friend who was impeached for a phone call but definitely wouldn’t strand thousands of American Civilians behind terrorist enemy lines! #BidenDisaster
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) August 26, 2021
I Don’t Know. I Really Don’t. I Fear The Answer May Be “No.”
Can America Survive Three Years, Five Months More of Biden? – PJ Media
There’s no masking the titanic failure of Joe Biden’s presidency behind partisan name-calling or spinning the defeats by his sycophants in the media. Joe Biden’s incompetence is on display for all the world to see.
This frightens America’s allies and delights our enemies. At home, some Republicans are calling for Biden to resign, but until Democrats rise up and demand Biden leaves office, those GOP congressmen are just spitting in the wind. And Democrats have made it clear that they are willing to walk off the cliff with Biden come what may.
That’s what makes Biden’s failed presidency so frightening. America has to put up with another three years, five months of an incompetent, possibly mentally impaired man as our national leader. Meanwhile, the world isn’t vouchsafing America any time or space to ride out the storm in peace. There are still threats out there. China is still testing its limits as a superpower, Russia is still pressuring its neighbors and thumbing its nose at the U.S. The Taliban is on the rise, as is ISIS.
This is what you voted for. If you don’t regret that vote by now, you’re beyond help.
Did The British Parliament Ever Hold President Trump In Contempt? Asking For A Friend…
British Parliament Holds Joe Biden in Contempt for Afghanistan Catastrophe – PJ Media
Parliament Holds The President In Contempt
▫MPs and peers unite to condemn ‘dishonour’ of US president’s withdrawal and his criticism of Afghan troops left behind to face Taliban
▫@benrileysmith▫ #frontpagestoday #TheDailyTelegraph #UK— (@ukpapers) August 19, 2021
Way to go, Champ.
They Hate Him–They Really Hate Him
Only Ron DeSantis Would Get Criticized for Doing Exactly What Biden's HHS Wants – PJ Media
To decouple illness from hospitalization, DeSantis is pushing the treatment President Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) set up an entire website and 24/7 hotline to facilitate.
Levine is clear that monoclonal antibodies stop symptomatic illness from progressing to hospitalization and death. DeSantis reiterated those concepts when he spoke at a treatment site earlier this week:
“Early treatment with these monoclonal antibodies – Regeneron and others – have proven to radically reduce the chances that somebody ends up being hospitalized. Reducing hospital admissions has got to be a top priority.”
But Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) is eeeeeevillllll.
I Never Liked Their Ice Cream Anyway–You Can Literally Taste The Fat
Overpriced Ice Cream With a Side of Anti-Semitism: Ben & Jerry's Doubles Down – PJ Media
Last month, the far-left ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s, owned by Unilever, announced that the company would no longer sell its products in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, claiming it was “inconsistent” with its values for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream “to be sold in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT).”
The company’s embrace of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement was not well received by customers, and franchisees begged the company to rescind its boycott.
I don’t think I’ve had Ben & Jerry’s in at least 20 years. I don’t miss it. That stuff is God-awful. Jerry Garcia would have been a “good German” in the 1930s.
It’s Impossible To Reason With People Like This
MSNBC Columnist Compares Republicans to Taliban – PJ Media
In a bizarre Wednesday morning column, MSNBC’s Dean Obeidallah claimed that Republicans’ condemnations of the Taliban have no merit because the GOP opposes “women’s rights.”
“I have to wonder where these voices were when extremists, based on a narrow reading of their religion’s beliefs, enacted a law that forces a woman who was raped to carry the fetus of the rapist to term?” Obeidallah wrote, likely referring to Republicans supporting recent pro-life laws.
The failed comedian and lawyer grants that “nobody is saying the GOP and the Taliban are equally bad,” yet adds that pro-life Republicans can’t truly oppose the Taliban’s 12th-century misogyny because most GOP lawmakers, including House Leader Kevin McCarthy, voted against reauthorizing the “Violence Against Women Act,” and some hope the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.
Yes, that’s right. Protecting the lives of the unborn is equivalent to chopping people’s heads off.
If you’re really that stupid, you shouldn’t be writing an opinion column for a major news media organization. If you’re just trying to be shocking and use hyperbole to grab people’s attention, you need to re-think your methods, because you’re doing more harm than good.
We Used To Say “It’s Still A Free Country”. I Don’t Think That’s True Anymore
Coronavirus Censorship – PJ Media
YouTube just froze Sen. Rand Paul’s YouTube channel.
That’s just wrong. Small-minded. Counterproductive.
YouTube says Paul violated their COVID-19 misinformation policy when he told an interviewer, “Most of the masks you get over the counter don’t work … virus particles are too small and go right through.”
Paul didn’t make that up.
Properly worn N95 masks are effective, but two peer-reviewed studies suggest that simple masks might not work at all.
Social media is horrible. The social media giants determine what is “true” without your input, and they don’t allow you to say anything that their Truth Squads disagree with. Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech? The right to disagree? Honest debate? Alternative viewpoints.
We don’t allow any of that anymore.
But Donald Trump was the fascist.
I Don’t Know–Maybe He Deserved The Emmy After All
LOL: Cuomo Says He Thinks He Would Have Survived Impeachment – PJ Media
Cuomo expressed his confidence during an interview with New York Magazine. “I feel like I did the right thing. I did the right thing for the state,” he said. “I’m not gonna drag the state through the mud, through a three-month, four-month impeachment, and then win, and have made the State Legislature and the state government look like a ship of fools, when everything I’ve done all my life was for the exact opposite. I’m not doing that. I feel good. I’m not a martyr. It’s just, I saw the options, option A, option B.”
Cuomo’s confidence seems unfounded. In the wake of Attorney General Letitia James’s report, which concluded that the governor committed sexual harassment against at least eleven women in violation of state and federal law, a majority of Democrats in the New York State legislature supported impeachment. Some even supported impeaching him despite his resignation.
Cuomo’s a schmuck. This is delicious schadenfreude. He deserves all this and more.
The Only Thing Newsworthy Here Is That A Biden Team Member Said It
In Leaked Audio, Biden's Homeland Security Chief Admits the Border Crisis Is 'Unsustainable' – PJ Media
DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas visited the border at McAllen, Texas, this week. In leaked audio of his meeting with Border Patrol officers, Mayorkas seems to indicate surprise and adds that he’s aware that the current situation cannot continue.
“A couple of days ago I was down in Mexico, and I said look, you know, if, if our borders are the first line of defense, we’re going to lose and this is unsustainable,” Mayorkas said Thursday, according to the audio obtained by Fox News’ Bill Melugin through a Border Patrol source. “We can’t continue like this, our people in the field cant continue and our system isn’t built for it.”
Mayorkas told the agents that the current border situation “cannot continue.” He said the federal government’s system was not designed to handle such an influx of migrants as the U.S. has seen in recent months and he was “very well” aware that the sector recently came close to “breaking.”
Biden should resign over this alone. And then there’s his administration’s ineptitude in Afghanistan, and the China Virus. They are completely incompetent.
Biden’s America. #IToldYouSo
I Think That Was January 6, But I’m Willing To Listen To This Argument
Soon You May Need Vaccination Proof to Go to Another State – PJ Media
AP reported that Biden handlers had discussed “mandating vaccines for interstate travel,” but decided against doing so because “the administration worried that they would be too polarizing for the moment.” For the moment. That means we should watch for this particular trial balloon to be floated again after the establishment media has pounded the American people with fear propaganda for a few more months.
I remember when we mocked the Soviets travel restrictions, “papers please”. This is just scary.
Biden’s America.
CNN–Stopped Clock. Twice A Day.
CNN: Afghanistan's Fall Is a Neville Chamberlain-esque Failure and It's Joe Biden's Fault – PJ Media
Anyone who has watched Joe Biden’s career could and should have seen this coming. For all his and his supporters’ claims that he is some foreign policy expert, Joe Biden has been expert at getting foreign policy questions wrong. He wanted to pay Iran cash right after 9-11, just because he wanted to. His own staff killed that notion. He’s still trying to pay Iran in cash, just as the Obama administration did while Biden was vice president. One could surmise that Joe Biden really wants to hand Iran, which backs terrorism against Israel and has declared itself an enemy of the United States since the 1979 revolution, large piles of American cash. One could also surmise that Biden is on course to exceed even Jimmy Carter’s disastrous Middle East foreign policy — a foreign policy that helped beget revolutionary Iran in the first place.
Honest question: has President Joe Biden (D-USA) ever been right about anything regarding American foreign policy? Anything? Anything at all? He’s been in politics since the days of Washington and Adams. Surely he was right once in all that time. i just can’t think of any.
During The Trump Administration, This Would Have Been Praised As #Resistance
Republican Governors Say They Will Not Accept Biden’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Vaccine Mandates (
Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves said, “The President has no authority to require that Americans inject themselves because of their employment at a private business. The vaccine itself is life-saving, but this unconstitutional move is terrifying.”
“This is still America, and we still believe in freedom from tyrants,” Reeves thundered.
We have a serious labor shortage in America right now. I’m not sure we should be doing more to make that worse.
On the other hand, it’s not like we’ve never required vaccines for stuff before. Every year, i get a letter from my kids schools telling me all the shots they need.
I think the hyperventilating on both sides here is overblown. If you haven’t gotten the vaccine yet, get over yourself. Go get it.
If you’re trying to force someone to get the vaccine, get over yourself. It’s their choice. You may not like their choice, but that’s your choice.
Biden’s America.
30 September, 2021
September 30, 1960
1960 "The Flintstones" the first animated sitcom created by Hanna-Barbera premieres on ABC in the US
The Flintstone Flyer.
Remember When The Media Touted Former State Department Officials Supporting Biden?
I bet this didn’t get the same reaction.
90 Retired Generals And Admirals Call For Resignations Of Defense Sec. Austin And Gen. Milley Over Afghanistan Disaster (
In a powerful display of unity of thought Monday, roughly 90 retired generals and admirals signed on to a letter calling for the resignations of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley over the disastrous withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.
INBOX: 90 retired Generals and Admirals call for Milley and Austin to resign immediately
— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) August 30, 2021
This is what you voted for. #IToldYouSo
Andrew Cuomo Is A Lying Sack of S***
Andrew Cuomo Hid THOUSANDS of COVID Deaths? New NY Gov Just Added Them (
One of the first issues of business New York Governor Kathy Hochul handled when she took office was to change the Covid-19 death toll for the state of New York by adding an additional 12,000 Covid-19 related deaths.
I can’t believe how the liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) swooned over this piece of garbage all last year.
Everything About This White House Is Scary
Kayleigh McEnany Says It's 'Scary' That Biden Can't Answer Basic Questions About Afghanistan (
“They can not give us a count of the number of people who died at the airport in Kabul,” she added. “And they can’t give us the number of Americans stranded in Afghanistan, and they can’t give us the number of al Qaeda. It is far more than zero, they don’t have a number.”
The only thing more predictable than President Biden’s (D-USA) domestic ineptitude is is foreign ineptitude. God, it’s only been 8 months.
This is what you voted for. #IToldYouSo
You’d Have To Be A Moron To Call It An “Insurrection”
FBI Quietly Clears January 6th Rioters of Sedition and Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government Under Cover of Afghanistan Crisis (
As Reuters reports, the FBI has found “scant evidence” that the January 6th riot at the Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election results.
But wait, there’s more.
The FBI doesn’t believe that the violence was centrally coordinated by far-right groups like the Oath Keepers or the Proud Boys – or prominent supporters of President Trump like Alex Jones or Roger Stone. A former law enforcement official said 90 to 95% of the rioters were one-off cases.
Hmmmm…. so these folks had no real plans to overthrow the government like the leftists have been telling us for more than seven months?
It was just a garden variety riot like Antifa and BLM have been doing for about two years where they all show up in one place and then decide to act like idiots and criminals?
No seditious conspiracy or racketeering charges against any of Capitol rioters. No charges alleging any groups or individuals organized the riot. No, that was just made up fairy tales from the democrats.
I’ve said it many times before. This whole thing was a NothingBurger. It’s offensive in the extreme to call it anything else.
Back…yeah, yeah, yeah.
I’ve written so many “I’m back” posts. Let’s just face it. Sometimes I take breaks.