Cincinnati Reds beat Chicago White Sox, 10-5 at Comiskey Park for a 5-3 World Series victory.
Cincinnati Reds beat Chicago White Sox, 10-5 at Comiskey Park for a 5-3 World Series victory.
Look, I’m not railing on President Clueless Joe (D-USA) because he can’t beat the China Virus. It’s tough. I’m mad because he consistently told us that the previous administration had no clue what it was doing, and he was going to fix things.
Now it’s just as bad as it was a year ago. Where’s the progress we were promised?
Starting to make me think it was all lies.
European Union governments agreed on Monday to remove the United States from the EU’s safe travel list, meaning U.S. visitors and those from five other countries are likely to face tighter controls, such as COVID-19 tests and quarantines.
Thanks, Joe.
Liberal tolerance my a**.
Since I announced my move from LA to Texas, my inbox is full of:
— Blaire White (@MsBlaireWhite) August 26, 2020
Liberals telling me I’m not welcome here because I’m trans and conservatives will beat me up.
Conservatives excitedly welcoming me and encouraging me to move faster.
People who recovered from a bout of Covid-19 during one of the earlier waves of the pandemic appear to have a lower risk of contracting the delta variant than those who got two doses of the vaccine from Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE.
The largest real-world analysis comparing natural immunity -- gained from an earlier infection -- to the protection provided by one of the most potent vaccines currently in use showed that reinfections were much less common. The paper from researchers in Israel contrasts with earlier studies, which showed that immunizations offered better protection than an earlier infection, though those studies were not of the delta variant.
As I said earlier, though, you can’t post this on Instagram.
Instagram has blocked the results page for the use of the hashtag #naturalimmunity.
When the hashtag is selected, Instagram says, “This hashtag is hidden,” and that “Posts for #naturalimmunity have been limited because the community has reported some content that may not meet Instagram’s Community Guidelines.”
Good thing our Big Tech Overlords are watching out for us and protecting us from this dangerous “disinformation”—that might save lives.
We’re not talking enough about the enormous amount of weaponry transferred to the Taliban.
— Max Abrahms (@MaxAbrahms) August 29, 2021
And it’s not just the Afghans. They’ll be sharing all this tech with the Chinese. So much for any military tech advantage.
Thanks, Joe.
The vast majority of students who said they voted for or supported Biden’s nomination expressed regret for supporting him. One student said, “He’s failed a lot on a lot of his promises”. Another, speaking on Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, called it a “disaster."
When asked about Biden’s “Build Back Better” campaign slogan, students were not convinced he had done so.
“If you’re looking at the straight facts, it’s apparent that he’s not [building back better],” one student said.
Students then told Campus Reform they were not likely to support Biden for a second term.
Well, that’s encouraging. Let’s go to the tape.
Maybe the kids are all right.
What's the lesson of Afghanistan? Maybe it's that everyone from the giant dorm room bitch session that is the internet should take a good look at what real oppression looks like. #Wokeistan #WakeUpCall
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) August 28, 2021
Like I said, he’s a crackpot lib, but he’s a smart crackpot lib.
— Ricky Diaz (@iamrickydiaz) August 28, 2021
26,000 troops sent to rescue 535 congress members hiding under desks from people with flags & red hats.
5,000 troops being sent to rescue 15,000 American citizens hiding from Islamic terrorists who were just handed a list of their names by the #Biden admin.
We’ve seen this in other states and areas. Heck, I’ve seen it here in Indiana. Occasionally, there’s an audit of previous days and its determined that some cases were misdiagnosed or otherwise uncounted. So, you get a single day bump in the total, but if you look the underlying numbers, some of them are from months ago.
This is what happened here.
But facts aren’t important.
To get a sense of how bad a job Desantis is doing, Florida reported yesterday 26,203 new COVID cases, the highest daily ever and 901 deaths today, the largest daily ever.
Florida has more deaths now than before vaccines were available. Total failure. #DesantisDestroysFlorida— Thomas Kennedy (@tomaskenn) August 26, 2021
Don’t worry. The truth is out there.
Of the 901 additional COVID-19 deaths reported by Florida, 756 were from 8/8 to 8/22 with 60 before this period and 85 after.
— Scott Herr (@scottdavidherr) August 26, 2021
Today’s liberal media. Never let facts get in the way of a good story.
A federal court so holds, applying Maryland's Riot Act, and quoting the Mayor's famous line that the City "gave those who wished to destroy space to do that."
They did nothing to stop the BLM riots, and at least tacitly encouraged them. The city should be held liable. Many homes and businesses were ruined.
The truth hasn’t mattered for Whoopi in years, possibly decades.
“Because there is cancel culture, people will call or text and say, ‘I’m not buying your product. This is who you have talking about your product, me and my 5 million followers, if you keep her, we’re not going to buy your car, or we’re not going to buy your shampoo or we’re not going to buy your toothbrush or we’re not going to buy your Pampers,'” she added.
Most of this comes from Hollywood elites. You want to stop it? Talk to your peers. Don’t talk to me. First, I can’t do anything about it. Second, and perhaps more important, I just don’t trust you.
On October 8, 1998, the House voted to commence impeachment proceedings, and Clinton was impeached by the House on December 19, 1998. The Senate trial began on January 9, 1999, presided over by Chief Justice William Rehnquist. Just over a month later, Clinton was acquitted by the Senate and the impeachment was shelved.
The national unemployment rate is currently at 5.4%, a pandemic-era low, but remains elevated from the 3.5% that was reached under Trump. Many workers remain on the sidelines due to generous unemployment benefits, the closing of schools and day care, and fears over the virus.
"I'm not necessarily wedded to saying a pre-pandemic number will represent full employment because one of the things we know is that the pandemic shock could have had real impacts on the way we work," George told FOX Business’ Edward Lawrence.
Democrats always warn of this. Remember, Obama told us “those jobs aren’t coming back”. But they did. Democrats tell us the best days are in the past. Republicans prove them wrong.
So, by all means, keep voting Democrat.
Biden’a America. #IToldYouSo
The Gatekeepers decide what it’s okay for you to talk about and to know about.
Yeah. I’m pretty sure that’s the definition of a free society.
Instagram has blocked the results page for the use of the hashtag #naturalimmunity.
When the hashtag is selected, Instagram says, “This hashtag is hidden,” and that “Posts for #naturalimmunity have been limited because the community has reported some content that may not meet Instagram’s Community Guidelines.”
Knowledge is a dangerous thing. Particularly to those who want to rule over you.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) responded to drone footage of thousands of migrants under a Texas bridge by implementing a temporary ban on drone flights in the area.
This, according to a new Fox News report.
Fox has revealed that the FAA “has placed a two-week flight restriction along a bridge at the southern border inundated with thousands of illegal immigrants” something they say “prevents reporters from flying drones to document the crisis.”
Ummm…those are the FAA’s words, not mine.
Why exactly do we need to prevent “reporters from flying drones to document the crisis.”?
Nixon should have thought of that. Look, we’ll just prevent reporters from documenting the crisis. No problem.
Good thing we got rid of Trump so we can re-establish all those lost norms.
“Dr. Fauci said if hospitals get any more overcrowded they’re going to have to make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU bed,” Kimmel said, “That choice doesn’t seem so tough to me. ‘Vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes, come right in, we’ll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace, wheezy.’”
Whatever happened to “My Body, My Choice”?
The bill takes several measures to ensure integrity in casting ballots, instituting a ban on drive-through and round-the-clock voting, and adding an ID requirement for mail-in and absentee ballots.
“Those who do want to vote-by-mail must now provide their driver’s license number or the last four digits of their Social Security number when they’re applying for a mail-in ballot and when they send it back in,” the Daily Mail explained. The same measure also mandates that polling locations in areas with more than 55,000 residents offer at least 12 hours of early voting.
Personally, I would say that this doesn’t go far enough, but it’s a good start.
In a signing ceremony held Tuesday, Abbott said the bill makes “it easier than ever before for anybody to go cast a ballot. It does also, however, make sure it is harder than ever for people to cheat at the ballot box.”
“Election integrity is now law in Texas,” Abbott said before signing.
Like I said, it’s a start. Clearly better than where we were in 2020. We need many, many more laws like this.
Isn’t that what the pro-Lifers suggest?
Am I the only one seeing the irony here?
Well, Hollywood people are rarely lauded for their intelligence.
65% of Democrats need to seek therapy. They have lost their ever lovin’ minds.
According to a new poll from Pew Research Center, two out of every three Democrats believes the government should actively crack down on “online misinformation,” even if doing so restricts traditionally protected First Amendment freedoms.
Overall, 48% of Americans agreed that “the government should take steps to restrict false information, even if it means losing some freedom to access and publish content.” That represents a sharp increase from 39% in 2018.
I’ll be blunt. If you don’t believe in Freedom of Speech, then you are an enemy of the Republic.
Nearly 30% of Republicans agree with the Democrats. I don’t understand how even 1 person who calls themselves an American can believe this. Support for Freedom of Speech is a fundamental principle of what it means to be an American, perhaps the ONLY fundamental principle.
This is why I started this blog. It’s why it’s called “Chris of Rights”. I support the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and civil liberties for all Americans, and it all starts with the First Amendment and freedom of speech. This poll makes me sick.
Look. Accept the fact that we’re still learning new things about this virus almost every day. Accept that it’s changing and how we deal with it has to change also. Don’t try to make political hay out of it and instead work to keep people alive and healthy and sane.
I will fight like hell to overcome Biden’s cruel decision to drastically reduce lifesaving monoclonal antibody treatments for Floridians. We've seen steep reductions in hospital admissions due to early treatment efforts. It’s wrong to penalize Florida for his partisan bitterness.
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) September 17, 2021
Or you could deny life saving treatments to Red States. You choose.
He shot and killed an unarmed woman.
Michael Byrd congratulated himself, saying that he showed "the utmost courage" and "saved countless lives" by killing an unarmed woman. An utterly grotesque interview. Make this a white cop shooting a BLM rioter and the whole country would be on fire right now.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) August 27, 2021
#SayHerName “Ashly Babbitt”.
Hold up. The “Jan 6 Committee” (lol) is asking for correspondence between the Trump White House and REPORTERS (many on this list).
This is a chilling power grab. Resist.— Raheem J. Kassam (@RaheemKassam) August 25, 2021
This is a pretty blatant and chilling attack on free speech. And really can’t be disguised as anything else. Your hard core supporters might be happy with it, but no one else is going to be.
[T]he officially titled Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol "expedite" this request for "all documents and communications concerning the 2020 election and relating to the following individuals" from April 1, 2020, through January 20, 2021
They’re terrified that Trump might run again. They’re using the FBI to do oppo research for them.
You know it’s a temporary setback and they’ll be on your side again soon.
As the Biden administration attempted to diminish comparisons of the U.S. evacuation from Kabul to the 1975 fall of Saigon, it found an unlikely adversary: The legacy media frequently said the situation in Afghanistan is as bad as, or worse than, what happened 46 years ago.
Well, gee. Why would you compare it to Saigon?
Received this from an Iraqi source, a meme about the chaotic US exit from #Afghanistan now racing around the Arab world.
cc @brianstelter— Kim Dozier (@KimDozier) August 15, 2021
Oh. That’s why.
The illegal immigration influx along the U.S. southern border has worsened every month since President Biden took office, but the liberal broadcast networks have essentially stopped covering the crisis. A
Well, it’s old news, I guess.
But while the reality along the border is worse than ever, coverage of the crisis on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts has slowed to a trickle: Just four minutes and 20 seconds for the entire month of July (including weekends), down an astonishing 96 percent from the Biden-era peak of 113 minutes in March.
And on August 12, when the terrible July border statistics were released, none of the three broadcast evening newscasts bothered to even mention them — but all three found time for the latest developments in the legal soap opera surrounding singer Britney Spears.
The problem is that they don’t have a Republican President to bludgeon about this. Now there’s a Democrat President. They did a little reporting early on, but now it must be swept under the rug, just as they’re now trying to do with Afghanistan.
-It's not ok to wish death on people
— Hannah Cox (@HannahDCox) August 22, 2021
-It's not ok to take away people's liberties
-It's not ok to withhold healthcare from people bc you dislike their choices
-It's not ok to violate someone's bodily autonomy
If your politics are making you forget these things, get new ones
The word you are looking for is “incompetent”, as in “mentally incompetent”, as in “not all there”. And you knew it a year ago and you tried to hide it from all of us. And now we’re all paying the price. Thanks so much.
CNN's chief national affairs correspondent Jeff Zeleny agreed the Biden White House's messaging on the crisis was "bizarre," taking particular issue with the president's response to a question about whether allies around the world had lost confidence in the U.S. following Biden's bungled response.
"I have seen no question of our credibility from our allies around the world," Biden claimed on Friday.
But his answer came on the heels of German Chancellor Angela Merkel calling the rapid withdrawal an "absolutely bitter development," and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitting it was "fair to say" the U.S. decision to withdraw troops "accelerated" the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan. Since Biden's press conference, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair criticized the president for what he called an "abandonment" of Afghanistan.
You couldn’t see this coming? Seriously?
Or you did see it coming, but your hatred of Trump was so great that you didn’t care? I think the latter. I submit to you that no matter how much you hate Trump, it wasn’t worth this to get rid of him.
On an NBC News “Special Report” that was covering President Biden’s news conference on Sunday, NBC News abruptly cut away from the news conference as soon as Biden started to take questions from the press.
There’s that word: covering. I think they mean “covering for”, not “covering”.
What are they worried about? As Biden begins to take questions, NBC News cuts away from the press conference.
— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) August 22, 2021
Well, I think we all know why.
There is one huge problem with this quote:
"The people who know what they're doing -- the Democrats -- and the pullout looks exactly … I can't think of how it could've looked any different if it was Trump. Honestly," Maher said. "I mean, how could it be more f---ed up? How could it be more incompetent? How could it be more Trumpian? So what do I say to myself when I sleep at night when the adults are back in charge and they f--- it up exactly as bad as Trump would?"
There is no way in Hell that Trump would have done this, or anything like this. It’s ludicrous in the extreme to state that this looked as bad as something Trump would do. It takes drive to screw up this badly. You have to really want to do it. Trump has too much respect for the American people, including those living abroad, to have done anything like this.
The Federal Trade Commission has filed an amended antitrust complaint against Facebook, alleging that the company violated federal antitrust laws with its acquisition of Instagram and WhatsApp. The new complaint is a more detailed version of a charge dismissed by the court in June for insufficient evidence.
“Facebook has today, and has maintained since 2011, a dominant share of the relevant market for US personal social networking services,” the complaint alleges, citing time spent and active-user metrics on the daily and monthly scale. “Individually and collectively, these metrics provide significant evidence of Facebook’s durable monopoly power in social networking services.”
Harsh words. Unless they’re followed by harsh actions, I don’t care. I’m so glad I left that piece of crap platform.
In his interview with ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos Wednesday night, Biden was asked whether, given that the Taliban have now taken over the country and the United States is struggling to evacuate American citizens and Afghan nationals with special visas, the withdrawal could be considered a “failure,” Biden became visibly angry.
Stephanopoulos asked whether the withdrawal was a failure of “intelligence, planning, execution, or judgment,” to which Biden responded, “Look, I don’t think it was a failure. Look, it was a simple choice, George.”
Even CNN begs to differ.
CNN reporter on situation in Afghanistan:
— The First (@TheFirstonTV) August 19, 2021
"If this isn't failure then what does failure look like?"
This is what you voted for. You couldn’t handle another 4 years of peace with Trump. You had to have Clueless Joe. And now you’ve f**ked us all.
President @JoeBiden now says he doesn't know how the U.S. could have withdrawn from Afghanistan "without chaos ensuing." But on July 8th, he said "the likelihood there's going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely."
— Wolf Blitzer (@wolfblitzer) August 18, 2021
Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler pointed out previous statements by Biden. “Biden, today: ‘The idea that somehow, there’s a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing, I don’t know how that happens.’ Reporter to Biden, July 8: ‘Your own intelligence community has assessed that the Afghan government will likely collapse.’ Biden: ‘That is not true.’”
Much more at the link. Clueless Joe, indeed. I’m going to stick with that nick.
Stars including Bette Midler, George Takei, Rosanna Arquette, Ethan Embry, and comedian Paula Pell attacked the Texas governor on social media after his office said Tuesday the governor is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, in good health, and currently experiencing no symptoms.
If you’re fully vaccinated, you’re unlikely to contract Covid-19, but if you’re a total asshat of a governor all bets are off.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) August 17, 2021
It makes me feel better about liking William Shatner to know that George Takei can’t stand him. What a total loser.
Georgia’s Election Board moved towards an eventual takeover of Fulton County Wednesday following mounting evidence of irregularities in the 2020 election.
The board’s unanimous vote was possible due to provisions in the state’s new voting law passed earlier this year, per Just the News.
The vote authorized a bipartisan, three-person panel to investigate Fulton County. If the panel confirms irregularities, the elections board could replace the county’s board of elections with its own administrator.
I just want three simple rules enforced across the board, nationwide.
I expect nothing more. I will accept nothing less.
It is the latest blunder in a foreign-policy record filled with them.
- In 1975, Biden opposed giving aid to the South Vietnamese government during its war against the North, ensuring the victory of a brutal regime and causing a mass exodus of refugees.
- In 1991, Biden opposed the Gulf War, one of the most successful military campaigns in American history. Not only did he later regret his congressional vote, but in 1998, he criticized George H. W. Bush for not deposing Saddam Hussein, calling that decision a “fundamental mistake.”
- In 2003, Biden supported the Iraq War—another congressional vote he later regretted.
- In 2007, he opposed President George W. Bush’s new counterinsurgency strategy and surge in troops in Iraq, calling it a “tragic mistake.” In fact, the surge led to stunning progress, including dramatic drops in civilian deaths and sectarian violence.
- In December 2011, President Barack Obama and Vice President Biden withdrew America’s much-scaled-down troop presence in Iraq; the former had declared Iraq to be “sovereign, stable, and self-reliant,” and the latter had predicted that Iraq “could be one of the great achievements of this administration.” Their decision sent Iraq spiraling into sectarian violence and civil war, allowing Iran to expand its influence and opening the way for the rise of the jihadist group ISIS.
- According to Obama’s memoir A Promised Land, Biden had advised the former president to take more time before launching the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.
- Ten years ago, Biden said in an interview that “the Taliban per se is not our enemy.” He added, “If, in fact, the Taliban is able to collapse the existing government, which is cooperating with us in keeping the bad guys from being able to do damage to us, then that becomes a problem for us.” Indeed.
And yet, on October 22, 2020…
The Atlantic endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden Thursday in only its fourth ever presidential endorsement.
Maybe you should have thought that through a bit more carefully.
"The Jazz Singer", directed by Alan Crosland, starring Al Jolson and May McAvoy, released, 1st film with a soundtrack (Honorary Academy Award 1928)
Of course, he wore blackface in the film, which is a serious no-no these days. So, the film probably isn’t respected anymore.
No. Just no.
And what is the “misinformation”?
Included in her letter asking Facebook to censor information were COVID-19, vaccines, and voting rights.
“Each day, posts are liked and shared on your site that make false claims about abortion procedures and reproductive health legislation,” Hochul said.
“An analysis of Facebook engagement between January 1 and March 20, 2019, found that four of the top 10 stories receiving the most engagement on the platform were articles about the New York State Reproductive Health Act from anti-choice news sources that represent the bill.”
So? Cute use of the phrase “anti-choice”, btw. That always makes you sound reasonable and believable. How about if I just start calling you “anti-life”?
Anyway, the proper response to her statement is “so?”. Surely you’re not suggesting that your political opponents not be allowed to have their opinions heard? You wouldn’t do that in America, would you?
Oh, that’s right. You’re a Democrat. You would.
the fucking answer here should be “we’ll get every american out, no matter what it takes. full stop.”
— Allahpundit (@allahpundit) August 17, 2021
The former President of the United States is banned from Twitter but the Taliban is not.
— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) August 17, 2021
Young and educated Afghan women tell me they are burning their degree certificates and diplomas, so that they won't be targeted by the Taliban fighters going door to door. This is beyond heartbreaking.
— Amruta Byatnal (@amrutabyatnal) August 16, 2021
Thanks, Joe.
Mayor Bill de Blasio's new "Key to NYC" vaccine passport is now be required for entry into everything from gyms to museums to restaurants, but the passes are also required to be accompanied by a photo ID. Even those New Yorkers willing to pony up their CDC vaccination cards or app-based vaccination verification will need further proof to show they are who they say they are.
I’m starting to wonder who won the Cold War. Lately it doesn’t feel like us. We’re becoming more like the U.S.S.R than the current Russian Federation.
Biden’s America.
And not only that it’s quite racist.
More Black Americans in NYC are not vaccinated per capita than any other race. This is segregation in a new form, it’s racist and again it’s Democrats who are behind the policy just like they were the last time segregation occurred.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) August 17, 2021
Don’t tell me it’s not after telling me for years that Voter ID laws were racist.
[E]xperts said months ago that reaching a level where so many people had either had COVID-19 or been vaccinated against the virus — thus giving them antibodies — was possible,
While experts didn’t know exactly how many Americans would need antibodies to reach herd immunity, the number ranged from more than 50% to upwards of 70%. Early on in the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. immunologist, put the number at 60% to 70%, but in April he started upping that number, saying in an interview with CNBC News that it would be “75, 80, 85 percent.”
Two weeks to flatten the curve.
Last week, Biden asked OPEC+ to increase production, prompting derision and reminders of his executive orders that harm U.S. energy production. He has his answer.
He “asked”? Just last year, we didn’t have to ask. What changed? Oh yeah.
Biden canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline and canceled oil and gas leases via executive orders on his first day in office.
We are the most oil rich country in the world. We have more than Saudi Arabia. And yet, we have to crawl to OPEC to beg them to pump more oil? WTF?
We didn’t have to do that when we had a real President.
Presented without comment.
EARLIER: "Thank you, Boris. And I want to thank #ThatFellaDownUnder."
— Bloomberg Quicktake (@Quicktake) September 16, 2021
Here's the moment Biden appears to forget Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison's name during a press conference to unveil a new security partnership
As of yesterday the Biden Administration is metering how many doses of Regeneron are sent to Texas and thus limiting how many are sent to the Montgomery County location. Telling Texas to reduce its use of the therapeutic treatment that has literally been saving lives and reducing hospitalizations.
Now I'd like to think this is because of a supply issue and it will be temporary at best. But it's not. The manufacturer has confirmed supplies are ample but due to the Defense Production Act, the White House and it's agencies are the only entities who can purchase and distribute this treatment.
So less than a week after the president tells us his patience is wearing thin and he is mandating vaccines to millions of Americans his administration limits and all but removes a non-controversial and highly successful treatment from our war chest of combating this virus.
It’s almost like they want this China Virus Scare to continue. Almost like they see how much power they have grabbed and want to see if they can keep grabbing more.
Biden’s America.
High school students wee given a writing assignment. You know the type. Choose one of these topics from the list.
One of the items on the list was “write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom”.
Excuse me? WTF?
This didn’t go over well with the parents. It also didn’t go over well with the mayor of the city.
He went to the school board meeting and had this to say to the board.
BREAKING: Hudson mayor demands all school board members resign or face possible criminal charges over high school course material that he said a judge called "child pornography."
“I'm going to give you a simple choice: You either choose to resign or you will be charged."— Jenny Beth Martin (@jennybethm) September 14, 2021
And then walked out. That’s how you do the mic drop.
While leaving her South Florida condo last month, Jasmine Irby came across a notice pinned to her door from her management company. It read that, “As of August 15th, all new tenants must show proof of vaccination before moving in…Existing tenants must show proof of vaccination before leases are renewed.”
Apparently, Santiago A. Alvarez’s eight apartment buildings in Broward and Miami-Dade counties won’t let you live there unless you can show a vaccine passport. Unvaccinated tenants will also have to find another place to live at the end of their lease – assuming that the requirement to show a vaccine passport isn’t found to be illegal.
According to national housing experts, Alvarez owns 1,200 apartments in two counties and is the first large-scale landlord to force vaccinations not just on employees, but also on tenants.
Where does this end? When does this end?
[T]his clip shows that the DOJ inspector general himself believes the actions of the FBI may have been criminal in nature. “We found that they violated criminal law sufficiently,” he said adding that he had referred the agents involved for prosecution. The DOJ inexplicably refused to prosecute and refused to even send a representative to be questioned by the Senate panel.
But wait. There’s mre.
Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) asked Horowitz if the FBI employees misrepresented the facts of the investigation. Horowitz answered, “They did. We found that both the person who wrote the report that Ms. Maroney testified about falsely testified to us about what he did in connection with that report.” Then Horowitz dropped an incredibly scandalous nugget of information: “And Special Agent in charge [Jay] Abbott made false statements to us about steps that he took in 2015 when these allegations came in but also about his job-seeking efforts with the U.S. Olympic committee.”
Much more at the link, if you can stand to read it.
In August, for the first time since Joe Biden took office, border crossings did not go up. The brutally hot weather in the Southwest might have deterred a few illegals from attempting to cross the border, but there were still 208,000 people arrested trying to enter the U.S. illegally.
That number is slightly down from July’s record 212,000 attempted border crossings, but still close to the record number of crossings from 21 years ago.
Yet another thing that our godawful President has completely f**ked up. We didn’t have this problem a year ago. We didn’t have runaway inflation either. We didn’t have a disaster in Afghanistan. We had the Abraham Accords.
Now, what do we have? Oh yeah. This:
Ohio Senator Rob Portman, the top-ranking Republican on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, has a few questions for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
“Once again, CBP operational statistics show that we are seeing the worst unlawful migration crisis in more than twenty years,” Portman said in a statement. “I urge the Biden administration to take action because the migrant crisis is a direct result of its decision to dismantle the previous administration’s policies with no consideration of the historic influx it would incite.”
I don’t see how, at this point, anyone who voted for Biden could be happy with their vote.
In which I agree with Senator Rand Paul (R-KY).
Rand Paul: Gen. Milley should be removed, court-martialed if secret calls to China are confirmed
— Fox News (@FoxNews) September 15, 2021
Well, guess what? They were confirmed. By the “General” (scare quotes intentional) himself.
So there was an attempted coup after all.
Except it finally comes out that it wasn’t Trump or Trump supporters, it was Pelosi and Milley.
Well, well now.
Another projection from the left. #treason— Katrina Pierson (@KatrinaPierson) September 15, 2021
Once again, the left is guilty of projection. And treason.
“Former acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, who led the Pentagon from the period after the 2020 election through Inauguration Day, said that he “did not and would not ever authorize” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley to have ‘secret’ calls with his Chinese counterpart, describing the allegations as a ‘disgraceful and unprecedented act of insubordination,’ and calling on him to resign ‘immediately.
This thing is so offensive.
It was put up for the “Justice for J6” rally that didn’t actually happen. But who cares why it is there? They put fences around the capital in police states. They don’t in free societies. Every time I see it it makes me physically ill.
Thanks for that Joe, Nancy, and Chuck. I hate you all.
This is Biden’s America. This is what you voted for. #IToldYouSo
On 1/6/2021,
9/11/2001 ceased being the worst thing that happened to America in my lifetime.
It’s really weird and painful to process and say that.
But it’s the truth.
And quite frankly… it’s not even close.— Pam Keith, Esq. (@PamKeithFL) September 11, 2021
Disconnected. From. Reality.
1200 dead of COVID yesterday in Florida.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) September 10, 2021
Not the total for a week or a month, but ONE SINGLE DAY.
There was just one small, insignificant problem with that assessment: It was completely and utterly wrong. Florida reported 1,200 deaths from COVID-19 not over the course of 24 hours but over the course of literal weeks
Oddly, Twitter hasn’t slapped his Tweet with a “misinformation” tag.
This is a “read the whole thing” type of article. I really want to excerpt the whole thing. I feel like I could have written it myself, I agree with so many of the points.
He made a pro-life tweet.
Proud of #USSupremeCourt affirming the Texas law banning abortion for babies with a heartbeat. As an entertainer I don’t get political often. Yet with so many vocal peers on the other side of this issue, I felt it was important to go on the record as a pro-life game developer.
— John Gibson (@RammJaeger) September 4, 2021
And this is what he got.
"The comments given by John Gibson are of his own opinion, and do not reflect those of Tripwire Interactive as a company," the company said in a statement. "[Gibson's] comments disregarded the values of our whole team, our partners and much of our broader community. Our leadership team at Tripwire are deeply sorry and are unified in our commitment to take swift action and to foster a more positive environment."
FoStEr A mOrE pOsItIvE eNvIroNmEnT
Nothing says "positive environment," like booting someone for having a different opinion on something.
Why are they "deeply sorry," and why does Gibson need to get fired -- I mean, step down -- if the comments are just "his own opinion, and do not reflect those of Tripwire"?
Is it really that hard for woke liberals to work alongside someone who thinks murdering babies is wrong?
You can express yourself freely these days if you have the correct opinions. If you don’t, you must self-censor.
This is what you voted for. This is Biden’s America.
I’m Certain That’s What They Told Me About Cindy Sheehan. I Wonder What Changed.
Instagram has apologized after suspending the account of a Gold Star mother who lost her son in the terror attack on Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport last week.
The Facebook-controlled platform told The Washington Examiner that Shana Chappell’s account had been suspended in “error.” Chappell has been vocal on social media about holding President Joe Biden responsible for the death of her son, 20-year-old Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui.
“We express our deepest condolences to Ms. Chappell and her family. Her tribute to her heroic son does not violate any of our policies,” Instagram’s statement continued.
She was suspended after criticizing the President when her son died. Because you can’t do that anymore. Or at least not until the next Republican President comes along.
“Everything woke turns to shit” - Donald J. Trump— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) August 22, 2021
Well, when you’re right, you’re right.
"Let them die," Washington state middle school teacher says of the unvaccinated.
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) August 17, 2021
“Let them die”.
You know, I don’t like to use the “my side would never do that” argument. All politics is hypocritical. Everyone is holier-than-thou.
But the Right would never say that about the Left. That’s the difference between the Left and the Right. The Left is made up of truly horrible people.
Don’t be evil, my ass.
he pro-life group Live Action claimed Tuesday that Google banned “all” Live Action ads, accusing the tech company of siding “squarely with extremist pro-abortion political ideology.”
“They aren’t hiding their bias anymore,” Lila Rose, Live Action founder and president, said in a statement. “Google’s censorship baldly reveals that the corporation is in the pocket of the abortion industry.”
This is what they do. This is war, and the left has realized it, and they fight as if it’s war. We fight as if it’s a sibling spat. That’s why they hate President Donald Trump (R-USA). He fights as if it’s a war.
Days after the Capitol riot that took place on January 6, Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley held a top-secret meeting with senior military officials in which he blocked the president from potentially launching nuclear weapons. He also told staffers to ignore all orders except for his own.
This was all revealed in the new book “Peril” by journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, according to CNN.
You want to know what an insurrection looks like? It looks like that, right there. The man should be court-martialed, summarily dishonorably discharged, and then tried for treason against the United States.
Several impounded dogs due to be rescued by a shelter have instead been shot dead by a rural council in NSW under its interpretation of COVID-19 restrictions, alarming animal activists and prompting a government probe.
Bourke Shire Council, in the state’s north-west, killed the dogs to prevent volunteers at a Cobar-based animal shelter from travelling to pick up the animals last week, according to council’s watchdog, the Office of Local Government.
Do you get that? They were so fearful of the China Virus, that they killed the rescue dogs. They didn’t want people who might catch the China Virus or be carriers of it to travel to come get the dogs.
This is horrible. How in Hell did we get here? Is there no way back? Is this what life is going to be like from here on out?
Another viewpoint:
It would be horrific enough if they’d euthanized them by injection but they SHOT DOGS ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
— Lyndsey Fifield (@lyndseyfifield) August 22, 2021
In a way, it was a relief to hear someone state the situation so well. But it was also very frightening and depressing, even it if isn’t new information. Here’s one excerpt:
What we’re seeing and what we’ve seen in the last few days is – it’s the greatest foreign policy disaster that I’ve seen in my lifetime of any nature from any Western country, and I would go so far as to say that this is the most disastrous foreign policy since at least the Second World War for the United States of America. It has unbelievable strategic consequences, well beyond Afghanistan itself, and I think, you know, people often compare Vietnam and Saigon in 1975 to the things they’re seeing on the television now. I think it’s worse than that and it’s very different to that.
Sadly, it appears that the video is now unavailable. But Kemp knows what he’s talking about. He’s a retired British anti-terrorism specialist. Not the kind of guy you want to mess with, and the kind of guy who’s seen a lot of good stuff and bad stuff, but mostly stuff he can’t talk about.
If he says it’s the worst thing he knows of, that encompasses quite a bit more than you and I know of.
This is what you voted for. #IToldYouSo
"The Maltese Falcon" directed by John Huston and based off Dashiell Hammett's 1929 novel of the same name, starring Humphrey Bogart and Mary Astor, premieres in New York City
Ben lays it out perfectly.
Noting YouTube’s monopolistic power, he wrote: “YouTube is such an immense communications entity that to be banned from it is to banned from national mass communication. Yes, it’s not part of the government, so the First Amendment does not strictly apply to it. BUT, it is so big that it approximates the government. And to be banned from it is to be banned from national debate on important issues.”
“The reasoning of YouTube — ‘THOU SHALT NOT QUESTION EXPERTS’ — could easily be applied to issues of foreign policy or taxation or the national deficit. The reasoning of YouTube means the end of free speech. It means The End of America.”
I have nothing to add.
“During the week of August 22, 2021, my staff conducted sample searches on of pandemic-related terms such as ‘COVID-19,’ ‘COVID,’ ‘vaccine,’ ‘COVID 19 vaccine,’ and ‘pandemic,’” Sen. Warren wrote in a letter addressed to Amazon’s CEO Andy Jassy. “The top results consistently included highly-ranked and favorably-tagged books based on falsehoods about COVID-19 vaccines and cures.”
Once again, I must point out that many of these “falsehoods” were written by people with far more knowledge on the subject than Senator Warren (D-MA).
According to documents obtained by the Christopher Rufo, a writer and contributor for City Journal, Google’s new antiracism program, called “Allyship in Action,” contains language common in critical race theory teachings, like “systemic racism,” “white privilege,” and “intersectionality.”
The same day Rufo’s revelations were published, Twitter unverified the writer on the platform.
He was a good little boy and got a nice shiny blue checkmark. But then he spoke out, and needed his wrist slapped.
They hate you. They hate the idea that you might think for yourself. They hate that you might have ideas that don’t fit the narrative. They want you to be a good little slave.
The National Archives have now put a disclaimer on their website that our historical documents may include Harmful Content.
They even slapped this warning on the Constitution.
We tried to tell you the Left wanted to get rid of it!— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) September 7, 2021
There. Are. No. Words.
We have achieved peak insanity.
Twitter admitted it made an “error” after it suspended the official campaign press account of J.D. Vance, a Republican who plans to run for Senate in Ohio in next year’s midterms. Vance accused the platform of election interference.
Fine. We all make mistakes. Tell me how many times Twitter has “accidentally” banned someone from the Left? Has it even happened once?
What is Vance’s crime? He’s an outspoken critic of Big Tech censorship.
There’s some irony, there.
Yes, you read that right, and no, I’m not making this up.
Unfortunately, at the end of August, when he attempted to pay his tuition at the school website, he lost access to his account and Rutgers-linked email and was told he needed to be vaccinated, despite not attending physically.
The mother accused the coaches of racial bias and pointed out that the school did nothing about the same dance moves being done by her daughter’s white teammates and they were allowed to remain on the team.
Tosky Boyle’s daughter, Te’Shauria, was booted from the cheerleading squad of Hardin Valley Academy for posting TikTok dance videos that were deemed inappropriate by her coaches. She had posted several of the viral dance moves videos on TikTok before her coach texted her via Instagram about removing one of the videos.
After an investigation by Inside Edition, the student was reinstated. Sunlight continues to be the best disinfectant.
Twitter’s censorship at least seems “egalitarian” because it affects “ordinary” users as well as elected officials. US Congressman Thomas Massie shared on Twitter on August 28 that his post, reading, “Natural immunity >> vaccine immunity; So why force or coerce those with natural immunity from prior infection into taking the vaccine?” received a “this tweet is misleading” label.
That is in no way misleading. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It’s unequivocally true. I defy Twitter to offer any evidence to the contrary.
There was a time when Twitter was a fun place to be. You learned stuff there, and quicker than anywhere else. Yes, it was a time sink, and a distraction, but for a news junkie like me, it was a moderately useful distraction.
Now it’s just a Hell hole.
On Friday, the Gateway Pundit reports, Google went a step further and demonetized it from its ad network. The site also said it was a part of a group of conservative outlets that have recently been denied advertising money by Google.
They don’t want you exposed to a conservative viewpoint. On anything. You might learn something. Worse, you might change your mind. You might even, God forbid, vote for a conservative.
And our Overlords can’t allow that.
You know, it’s in moments like these when I agree with the people who say that capitalism is failing us. But anything else would fail us worse. This is just an example of the overwhelming power of a few Tech Giants. They need to be brought down.
Who is Alex Berenson? No idea.
Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson has been permanently banned from Twitter for violating its COVID-19 “misinformation policies.”
Ah. Well, that answers that question.
The author has become well-known as a critic of coronavirus quarantines and mandates.
A Twitter spokesperson confirmed that the commentator’s account was blocked on Saturday due to “repeated violations.”
“The account you referenced has been permanently suspended for repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation rules,” the Twitter representative stated.
Ah. Well, thanks to Twitter, I won’t get exposed to contrarian views and won’t have to decide for myself upon the available information what is correct. It’s already been pre-decided for me. Maybe they can put training wheels on my bike and chop up my food for me too.
In the ongoing lawsuit against Big Tech platforms, President Trump has filed for a preliminary injunction that would require YouTube to reinstate his account by Monday. The former president filed a lawsuit against the platforms that de-platformed him on the grounds that they did that on behalf of the federal government.
The request states:
“Pursuant to Rule 65 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff Donald J. Trump respectfully moves for a preliminary injunction directing, inter alia, Defendant YouTube, LLC, and all persons acting in privity, in concert, or on YouTube’s behalf, to reinstate Plaintiff’s access to Defendant’s social media platform.”
This was filed over a month ago. I don’t see any news since. Rulings on preliminary injunctions usually occur quickly, so I suspect he was not victorious.
I’m reminded of a song.
He's got answers to all my problems
Says he'll decide what I should hear and see
I try to change to another station
But all I get is more of his morality
And morality, yeahBut I see the kids of a new generation
And they won't stand for this mind control
They're gonna change this world we live in
They're gonna bring back the rock and rollSo if I can, I'm gonna break from this prison
Gonna get out and join in the fight
Take a chance on what I believe in
Win or lose, I know it's right'Cause it's high time
For us to start a revolution
High time
Just like an A-bomb explosion
High time
It ain't the music that's in question
High time
It's more the freedom of expressionChange is comin'
Mind Police are comin'
We're on the move
The Old World is crumblin'
A new day's comin'
Tell your friends and relations
We're on the move
We're gonna start a rockin' nation
But enough of the musical interlude. Back to the news.
“The speed, scale and sophistication with which it is spreading and impacting our health is really unprecedented,” Murthy said during an interview on CNN’s State of the Union. “And it’s happening largely, in part, aided and abetted by social-media platforms.”
The Surgeon General did acknowledge that these platforms were already working to censor but said what they are doing is “not nearly enough.”
“There are people who are super-spreaders of misinformation,” he said. “And there are algorithms, still, which continue to serve up more and more misinformation to people who encounter it the first time. These are things that companies can and must change. And I think they have a moral responsibility to do so quickly and transparently.”
The Surgeon General of the United States is arguing for censorship on an unprecedented scale. And people are okay with this? How?
This is what you voted for. This is Biden’s America. #IToldYouSo
Facebook has revealed that Radio-Canada, a French-language news service owned by the government-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), will be serving as a “fact-checker” for the 2021 Canadian election campaign.
Would you want the White House Press Secretary to be your election fact checker? Even if they’re from your Party? Doesn’t that seem like a teensy bit of a conflict of interest? That doesn’t seem important to Facebook though.
And not only that, the CBC’s track record isn’t that good.
Some of CBC’s self-admitted errors this year include incorrectly describing the AstraZeneca vaccine as 100% effective in preventing the severe outcomes of COVID-19 in multiple stories, incorrectly stating that Saskatchewan Health Minister Paul Merriman had contracted COVID-19, and incorrectly reporting the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) had fatally shot a women in Edmundston, New Brunswick.
No worries. I’m sure this is the best for all Canadians.
The clash between the social media giant and Australia’s broadcaster flared up after YouTube decided to remove 23 Sky videos for COVID misinformation, prompting the channel to remove a further 18 uploads in order to avoid getting permanently banned.
[SKY CEO Paul] Whittaker openly called this latter decision an act of self-censorship, while lambasting YouTube as “not neutral, unaccountable, untransparent, and totalitarian” for its censorship – and on top of that, a foreign entity censoring speech in another country, while Australia’s own media regulator did not think that the deleted videos required any action taken against them.
YouTube doesn’t have the right or more importantly the ability to decide what is “misinformation”. Quite often the people they are censoring are far more knowledgeable on their subjects than anyone at Google or YouTube. YouTube doesn’t know what is misinformation. They just know what information they don’t want you to hear and see.