Kentucky Fried Chicken is founded on this day by Colonel Harlan Sanders in North Corbin, KY.
20 March, 2021
I Don’t Like Nancy Pelosi, Not Even a Little Bit. But I do Recognize her Intelligence and Political Skills
Pelosi dismisses expulsion resolution for GOP Rep. Greene | One America News Network (
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) dismissed a move to expel a Republican representative from Congress. On Friday, Pelosi said she did not want to be involved with the effort to kick out freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).
Make no mistake about it, Pelosi would love to get rid of Greene. And if the makeup of the House were different, she’d leap at the opportunity. But she has an incredibly slim majority, and the truth of the matter is that to get some things passed, she’s likely to need some GOP support. That’s going to be hard enough in the polarized world we live in today. It will be even harder if she starts expelling GOP members.
And, she has to deal with another unfortunate reality (unfortunate for her anyway). If this were to succeed, and Greene were expelled, the Republicans would likely fire back with not just one, but several motions for expulsion of Democrat members. Dealing with all of those would take time that she doesn’t have. And again, given the very slim majority, it’s not altogether impossible that some might succeed.
This is not a game she wants to play. I can’t blame her for that. I wouldn’t want to play it either. So, she’s taking her pieces and going home. She’s a horrible, horrible person, but that doesn’t mean she’s stupid.
Project Veritas - 1, New York Times - 0
VICTORY: Court Delivers Huge Win for Project Veritas Against The New York Times | Project Veritas
The Court found Project Veritas demonstrated "a substantial basis in law and fact that the Defendants [The New York Times] acted with actual malice, that is, with knowledge that the statements in the Articles were false or made with reckless disregard of whether they were false or not" and Project Veritas should be permitted to "conduct discovery."
The Defendants acted with actual malice.
Eep. Those are not words you want to hear from the judge if you’re the New York Times.
This ruling means Project Veritas will now be able to put New York Times reporter Maggie Astor and New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet under oath where they will be forced to answer our questions.
This is not something the New York Times has any desire to do.
Bring the popcorn.
Three Words You’ll Hear Often Over the Next Four Years—Trump was Right
One month before the November 2020 election, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson ordered elections offices to presume that the signatures on ballots were valid.
Republicans and elections clerks brought a lawsuit. Just the News reports the ruling directs elections officials to ignore the October 2020 directive in future elections.
Benson had instructed local election clerks a month before the Nov. 3 election to start with a “presumption” that all signatures on absentee ballots were valid and only reject those that had “multiple significant and obvious” inconsistencies. Republicans and one election clerk challenged her instructions in court.
Michigan Court of Claims Judge Christopher Murray wrote in his ruling that the secretary of state was supposed to have held months of hearings on the efficacy of such a rule change, issued public notices, and received comments before enacting the rule change.
In Disney’s Aladdin there’s a moment where Iago (voiced admirably by Gilbert Gottfried) says “I think I’m gonna have a heart attack and die from that surprise.” That’s how I feel now.
You’d have to be Mentally Incompetent to Believe That
I’m not, which is why I say ‘China Virus’.
“Adjusted for population, they have the most confirmed cases of the U.K. variant —and look, again, I’m calling it the “U.K variant” because that’s where we believe the origin is — I’m not blaming the U.K. for it, okay?
“This is a very different play than Trump made by calling something the China virus.”
No, that is precisely why I call it the China Virus.
19 March, 2021
Michael “Piltdown” Mann Goes Down
National Review Prevails against Michael Mann
Climate change’s biggest faker loses his defamation suit against National Review.
The D.C. superior court granted National Review’s motion to dismiss climate scientist Michael Mann’s long-running defamation suit.
More than eight years ago, Mann launched the suit against NR, writing privately that he saw it as an opportunity to “ruin” this “filthy organization.”
The lawsuit stemmed from a blog post on The Corner by Mark Steyn back in 2012 criticizing Mann’s work. The climate scientist threatened a lawsuit unless NR removed the offending post and apologized, which it refused to do. Mann then sued NR, Steyn, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (Steyn quoted a CEI article in his post).
Will NR file counter claim to recoup their court costs?
“Let’s just say if I were him, I’d be very worried about this possibility,” Lowry said.
On the First Day of the Tourney, Seth Barrett Tillman Nails the 3-Point Play
Remember the recently announced argument: "Presidents do not get the benefit of the First Amendment. You can impeach a president for speech which is not criminal."
— Seth Barrett Tillman (@SethBTillman) March 19, 2021
Here is the new, improved mantra: "You can expel an elected member of congress for speech the member made before she was elected, when she was a private citizen, even if the speech was known to the voters when she was elected."
— Seth Barrett Tillman (@SethBTillman) March 19, 2021
Again: the elites want to create brand new rules which nullify your having a meaningful vote.
/3— Seth Barrett Tillman (@SethBTillman) March 19, 2021
Basically, the rules are whatever the Democrats say they are. But remember, Trump was the threat to democracy.
Two Facebook Posts Today, but Let’s Not Forget Twitter
Twitter has locked the account of Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene on the same day her Democratic opponents are introducing a resolution that aims to overrule the will of her constituents and remove her from Congress.
Greene was locked out for unspecified “repeated violations.”
Her “repeated violations” consist of being a loudmouthed Republican. Boorish, perhaps. Obnoxious perhaps. But we shouldn’t censor people just because they’re loudmouthed, boorish, and obnoxious. Certainly people on the left are rarely censored for those faults.
As always:
Name ONE time in human history when the group fighting to ban books and censor speech were the good guys.
— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) February 25, 2021
I’ll wait...
Our Citizenry is not Nearly as Corrupt as our Representatives
Voters demand photo ID and reject weak Democratic substitute (
Thank God. Maybe there is hope for us after all.
“Eighty-nine percent (89%) of Republicans support voter ID requirements, as do 60% of Democrats and 77% of voters not affiliated with either major party,” it said.
At issue is the highly partisan legislation that would let voters present a sworn statement instead of a photo ID to prove who they are. According to PolitiFact, “The bill says that if a state has a requirement for an individual to present an ID to cast a ballot, the state shall permit the individual to present to election officials a sworn written statement under penalty of perjury attesting to the individual’s identity and that they are eligible to vote.”
Republicans believe that is an opening for fraud.
Democrats believe that requiring voter IDs discriminates against minorities.
However, likely voters in both parties surveyed by Rasmussen found that 60% do not believe that requiring a photo ID is discriminatory.
Democrats don’t believe that requiring voter IDs discriminates against minorities. Racism is just their go-to play. Democrats believe that requiring voter IDs discriminates against achieving Democrat majorities. That’s what they believe.
Mitch isn’t Perfect. He has a Lot of Faults in Fact. But the Last Four Years have Taught him How to Play Hardball
McConnell Shows Democrats The Political Cliff (
“So let me say this very clearly for all 99 of my colleagues. Nobody serving in this chamber can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched-earth Senate would look like,” McConnell said. “None of us have served one minute in a Senate that was completely drained of comity and consent. This is an institution that requires unanimous consent to turn the lights on before noon, to proceed with a garden-variety floor speech…I want our colleagues to imagine a world where every single task, every one of them, requires a physical quorum. Which, by the way, the vice president does not count in determining a quorum. This chaos would not open up an express lane for liberal change … The Senate would be more like a 100-car pileup, nothing moving.”
He’s talking about getting rid of the filibuster.
I have mentioned numerous times over the years during both Democrat and Republican majorities that I am not opposed to eliminating the filibuster. The main reason for that is that I’m a traditionalist. I feel like the current cloture rule is cheesy and that we should return to the “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” style filibuster.
Turns out I’m wrong. I just discovered this a few weeks ago when we passed the original anniversary of the expanded cloture rule.
In fact, the current cloture rule is the closest to tradition and has already been watered down a bit. It used to be 66, not 60. And was set at 66 over 100 years ago, in 1917.
So, now I have a choice. Do I remain consistent with what I’ve said in the past? Or do I remain consistently a traditionalist? Because when I thought I was being a traditionalist before, in fact I wasn’t?
Hmm. Seems like this is the wrong time to change my opinion. Smacks of hypocrisy.
I hate hypocrisy. Maybe I’m rationalizing a change of opinion in defense of traditionalism because it works in favor of the end result I want.
So, I’ll stick with what I’ve been saying. If the Dems change the rule, so be it. And I will enjoy watching McConnell employ his scorched earth tactics.
But should the GOP regain the majority, I will change my mind to now support the 60 vote cloture rule, in defense of traditionalism and in opposition to the GOP.
One of the Unsung Successes of the Trump Era was How Good he Did Convincing Businesses to Stay in America
Ford workers in Avon Lake were notified by letter from United Auto Workers leadership in Detroit that the automaker is not planning to bring a new line to their Ohio Assembly Plant (OHAP) but instead moving that production to Mexico.
The letter from UAW Vice President Gerald Kariem stated that at the heart of the last contract with Ford signed in November 2019 was to increase job security and Ford, in turn, responded with a commitment to invest $900 million into the Ohio Assembly Plant, some of which was for “next-generation product to be added in 2023,” he wrote.
Ford was considering this in 2017, but President Donald Trump (R-USA) talked them out of it. Saved thousands of American jobs. You’d think the UAW would have remembered that.
How it started: How it’s going:
— Sean Parnell (@SeanParnellUSA) March 18, 2021
No! You Can’t See That! You Might Have to Make Some Decisions For Yourself!
Fortunately, YouTube will make those decisions for you.
YouTube deletes Steven Crowder video for "coronavirus misinformation" (
YouTube has removed a video from comedian Steven Crowder for violating its “COVID-19 misinformation” policies.
In the video, Crowder said he was going to uncover what he said are the lies about the coronavirus and expose the “liars who told them.” The video was popular and had gained more than half a million views before it was pulled by the video giant.
Once again:
Name ONE time in human history when the group fighting to ban books and censor speech were the good guys.
— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) February 25, 2021
I’ll wait...
Just What we Need, More Censorship from Facebook
Facebook has announced new rules surrounding groups, including putting members who repeatedly violate its policies on probation and limiting the reach of “problematic” groups. The rules are part of the platform’s continued efforts to tackle “misinformation” and harmful content.
I’m sure these rules will be applied fairly and even-handedly.
Once again:
Name ONE time in human history when the group fighting to ban books and censor speech were the good guys.
— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) February 25, 2021
I’ll wait...
Why Would they do That?
I’m not even going to attempt to answer that question. I’ll leave it up to you.
In a bizarre move, Democrats have actually blocked a Republican bill designed to ensure that the flood of illegal aliens being waved into the United States by the Biden Administration are tested for COVID-19. The bill, the Requiring Every Alien to Receive a COVID-19 Test (REACT) Act which is sponsored by Mariannette Miller-Meeks, would require the DHS to test every illegal before releasing them into the country. Miller-Meeks made the case for her bill on the House floor yesterday.
I’ve Mentioned this Before, but DeSantis is Laying the Groundwork for a Potential 2024 Presidential Run
Gov. @RonDeSantisFL announces Florida's curriculum will "expressly exclude...Critical Race Theory."
“There's no room in our classrooms for things like Critical Race Theory. Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money.”— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) March 17, 2021
Plenty of things could change in the next 2 1/2 years or so, which is when the 2024 campaign will unofficially start. So, he may change his mind. He may not be news by then. But right now he’s talking like a national candidate, not a Florida one.
Would he get my vote? Ehh…don’t know yet. I’d consider him. Pretty sure I’ll vote for him if he’s the nominee, but that’s not that much of a statement. I’ll never vote for a Democrat for anything again for as long as I live.
Lefty Glenn Greenwald Shreds the Media
Read the whole things as he points out the Russiagate fallacies, and the Mueller investigation. Next he turns his attention on the actual point of the article, how “multiple sources” can be so wrong, so often.
For me, I learned early on in the Trump era that if a story did not have named sources willing to go on the record, then I assumed it was false. That method did not fail me a single time.
But finally, and I quote liberally once more…
On January 9, The Washington Post published a story reporting that an anonymous source claimed that on December 23, Trump spoke by phone with Frances Watson, the chief investigator of the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, and directed her that she must “find the fraud” and promised her she would be “a national hero” if she did so. The paper insisted that those were actual quotes of what Trump said. This time, it was CNN purporting to independently confirm the Post’s reporting, affirming that Trump said these words “according to a source with knowledge of the call.”
But late last week, The Wall Street Journal obtained a recording of that call, and those quotes attributed to Trump do not appear. As a result, The Washington Post — two months after its original story that predictably spread like wildfire throughout the entire media ecosystem — has appended a correction at the top of its original story. Politico’s Alex Thompson correctly pronounced these errors “real bad” because of how widely they spread and were endorsed by other major media outlets.
This is a different species of journalistic malpractice than mere journalistic falsehoods.
This was horrible. This was the basis of one of the impeachment charges. It was completely false. Just like every other anonymous story about Trump for four years. And yet, most people probably think all of them, including this one, are actually true. The retractions come a month later and are buried on page C-17, while the original story is front page news for days.
This isn’t journalistic malpractice. It’s propaganda worthy of the the Ministry of Truth in 1984. It’s Pravda from the Soviet Union. It isn’t journalism, and it isn’t news, and it isn’t truth.
Maybe You Shouldn’t Have Spent the Last 9 Months Encouraging It
Mayor Wheeler: Portland is sick and tired of nightly violence | One America News Network (
The mayor of Portland, who once defended violence in his city, is now changing his tune.
At a virtual press conference on Monday, Democrat Mayor Ted Wheeler said residents are sick and tired of the nightly violence by criminals operating under the guise of a noble cause.
Wheeler was referring to the recent destruction by 100 protestors in downtown Portland.
Last summer it was more important to you to make President Donald Trump (R-USA) look bad, than it was to protect your city and its residents.
A public flogging is too good for you, but it’d be a good start.
A China Virus Timeline
Forgive me, I’m going to copy liberally from a few posts from The Lid, but you need to see the whole thing in context. And the enduring myth that President Donald Trump (R-USA) was slow to respond to the China Virus just really ticks me off. Even a quick glance at the facts shows that is just a complete lie.
The posts:
Items from the Trump administration in red. Items from others in blue.
- January 22: The WHO changes its mind announces that COVID can be transmitted from human to human
- January 23: Trump’s CDC sought a “special emergency authorization” from the FDA to allow states to use its newly developed CoronaVirus test.
- January 27: The CDC issued a level 3 travel health notice urging Americans to avoid all nonessential travel to China due to the CoronaVirus —Another message to America that COVID was serious.
- January 27: Biden published an op-ed in USA Today. During the campaign, Biden falsely claimed that op-ed contained a warning that a pandemic was coming and a for action. In an April article by Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post Fact Checker said the op-ed “did not say COVID was a pandemic, only that it was a possibility.” The article was more of an attack on President Trump and didn’t include a detailed plan for action against a possible pandemic.””
- January 29: The White House announced the formation of the Coronavirus Task Force.
- January 29: First reported case of CoronaVirus in the U.S.
- January 30 – Biden Public Health Advisory Committee member Dr. Zeke Emanuel says, “Everyone in America should take a very big breath, slow down, and stop panicking and being hysterical. We are having a little too much histrionics on this… And people should remember not to panic… And the best thing we have is seasonality. It’s going to go down as spring comes up.”
- January 31: Despite that, there were only 7 reported cases in the U.S., the Trump administration declared the CoronaVirus a public health emergency. Trump announced the China travel ban. Each of these actions should have told the public COVID-19 was an enormously big deal.
- January 31 – Speaking at a campaign town hall in Iowa shortly after the Trump Administration announced restrictions on travel from China, Biden brought up the CoronaVirus and suggests President Trump was not acting “rationally.” “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia – hysterical xenophobia – and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science,” says Biden. Biden also cited “draconian cuts” to the budgets of agencies, including the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)—a lie. Trump proposed cuts, but Congress ignored him and increased financing instead. The National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention didn’t suffer from budget cuts that never took effect.
- February 1 – Biden tweets about the CoronaVirus, accusing President Trump of ignoring the science, and acting based on “hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering.”
- February 1 – Speaking at a campaign town hall in Iowa, Biden brought up the CoronaVirus and says, “we don’t know exactly where it’s going to go yet.” He again implicitly criticized President Trump’s restrictions on travel from China by saying, “Disease has no borders.”
- February 4: President Trump vowed in his State of the Union Address to “take all necessary steps” to protect Americans from the CoronaVirus–Nancy Pelosi must have hated that promise because she ripped up her copy.
- February 5: The end of the first annual Democratic Party Impeachment hoax. The Senate votes to acquit President Trump.
- February 6: Biden Public Health Advisory Committee member Dr. Irwin Redlener said, “Yes, there is uncertainty, and the headlines are dramatic. But right now, the chances of any of us or anyone we know ever getting a severe, potentially lethal form of the Wuhan virus is negligible.”
- February 7: Biden Public Health Advisory Committee member Lisa Monaco wrote, “The good news thus far is that the CoronaVirus appears to be less lethal than its viral cousin SARS was in 2002 and far less lethal than Ebola was in 2014.”
- February 7:President Trump tells Bob Woodward, This is Dangerous Stuff.” And the President’ was focusing on the virus. Trump told Woodward that the night before, he’d spoken to Chinese President Xi Jinping about the virus. Woodward quotes Trump as saying, “We’ve got a little bit of an interesting setback with the virus going in China.” “It goes through the air,” Trump said. “That’s always tougher than the touch. You don’t have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air, and that’s how it’s passed. And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flus.”
- February 11: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announces an expanded partnership with Janssen Research & Development to “expedite the development” of a CoronaVirus vaccine.
- February 11 – Top Biden advisor, now WH Cheif of Staff, Ron Klain said, “A serious epidemic – now, the CoronaVirus may be that, it may not be that. The evidence suggests it’s probably not that.”
- February 11 – Top Biden advisor Ron Klain spoke about the Trump team’s reaction to the virus saying, “Obviously the administration can’t do nothing. Indeed, they are far from doing nothing.”
- February 13 – Top Biden advisor Ron Klain said, “We don’t have a COVID-19 epidemic in the U.S., but we are starting to see a fear epidemic. Kudos to [Mayor Bill de Blasio] (and others) for standing against that.” He was encouraging people to go shopping or out to eat in Chinatown.
- February 18: HHS announced it would engage with Sanofi Pasteur to quickly develop a CoronaVirus vaccine and develop a treatment for CoronaVirus infections.
- February 20 – Biden Public Health Advisory Committee member Dr. Zeke Emanuel said, “many of the experts are saying, well the warm weather is going to come and, just like with the flu, the CoronaVirus is going to go down and may move into the Southern Hemisphere. Adding that“Healthy young people do not seem to be at very high risk; if they get it, they typically get a mild case… In that regard, it sort of behaves like the flu. A lot of us get the flu, but serious cases that cause mortality tend to be focused on the elderly and those with other chronic diseases.”
- February 24: The Trump Administration sent a letter to Congress requesting at least $2.5 billion in emergency funding to help combat the spread of the CoronaVirus, America understands the word emergency, but some in Congress don’t. On the same day, Pelosi invites everyone to come to San Francisco’s Chinatown.
- February 27: President Trump tells attendees at an African American History Month reception, “It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” He adds that “from our shores, you know, it could get worse before it gets better. Could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows.” Liberal media freaks In the short term with headlines, Trump says it may get worse. Soon they change their story to the President promised that COVID is going away immediately (he didn’t).
- February 27 – Top Biden advisor Ron Klain said, “Here’s one more thing everyone should do. They should, tonight, go down to Chinatown in their city and buy dinner or go shopping there. What we see inevitably, what we’re seeing already, is … people staying away out of needless fears about CoronaVirus.”
- February 29: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allowed certified labs to develop and begin testing CoronaVirus testing kits while reviewing pending applications.
- February 29: The Trump Administration announced a level 4 travel advisory to areas of Italy and South Korea. Barred all travel to Iran because of the COVID outbreak there. Barred the entry of foreign citizens who visited Iran in the last 14 days. This is another message to the American people that CoronaVirus is s major threat.
- March 3: The CDC lifted federal restrictions on CoronaVirus testing to allow any American to be tested for CoronaVirus “subject to doctor’s orders.” And President Trump donated his paycheck to fight COVID.
- March 4: Secretary Azar announced that HHS was transferring $35 million to the CDC to help state and local communities that have been impacted most by the CoronaVirus.
- March 6: President Trump signed an $8.3 billion bill to fight the CoronaVirus outbreak. The bill gave $7.76 billion to federal, state, & local agencies to combat the CoronaVirus and authorizes an additional $500 million in waivers for Medicare telehealth restrictions.
- March 11: WHO Finally declares that COVID-19 is a pandemic.
- March 11: President Trump announces travel restrictions on foreigners who had visited Europe in the last 14 days. Directs the Small Business Administration to issue low-interest loans to affected small businesses and called on Congress to increase this fund by $50 billion, and tells the Treasury Department to defer tax payments for affected individuals & businesses, & provide $200 billion in “additional liquidity.”
- March 12 – On CNN, Biden Public Health Advisory Committee member Lisa Monaco replied “no” when asked if President Trump’s 30-day ban on travel from Europe is the right move. She also sharply criticized the travel restrictions imposed by the Trump administration on China. “It’s not the best thing they can do right now to contain this virus.” A week later, her boss and the future president tweeted to Trump about the China travel ban, “Stop the xenophobic fear-mongering. Be honest. Take responsibility. Do your job.”
- March 12 – Biden tweets, “A wall will not stop the CoronaVirus. Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it.” True, it won’t stop it, but it sure as heck slowed it down! A year later, as president, Biden allows people to illegally cross the border without being tested for CoronaVirus. Many are later found to be ill with the virus.
- March 13: President Trump tells the public he is declaring a national emergency over CoronaVirus, allowing him to access $42 billion in existing funds to fight the virus.
- March 16: White House issues 15 Days to slow the spread. CoronaVirus Guidelines for America. Basically, shutting the economy for two weeks. An action like this was never done before in U.S. history.
If you read this whole thing and you still think that it was Trump that was slow to respond, then you’re so filled with Trump hatred that you’re blind to facts and I can’t help you.
I Finally Found an Insurrection Attempt in Washington, D.C. Anybody Remember This?
Remember when mobs tried to overrun the White House last May, forcing the Secret Service to take the President to a bunker for safety? Which was made to look like threats to the country - the police or the mob?
— J Michael Waller (@JMichaelWaller) March 9, 2021
Funny, I don’t remember having weeks of news discussions about this, or hand-wringing over what a horrible moment it was.
The people claiming that about January 6th are lying hypocrites.
As I said—No Good, Ethical Reason to Oppose Voter ID
Prosecution Exhibit A:
According to Abrams, Republicans are working to "eliminate access to voting" for communities of color by pushing for legislation that includes eliminating ballot drop boxes, requiring a form of identification to vote, and doing away with early voting on Sundays. She said increased voter participation took place in those forms, something that ended up helping the Democrats in the Georgia runoff election.
Republicans don’t want to make it harder to vote. They want to make it harder to vote illegally.
Any moral person concerned with protecting election integrity would be in favor of that.
The Democrats have been opposed to it my entire life.
It’s really not hard to figure out why. Reductions in election integrity benefit them, and they know it.
They really are horrible people.
16 March, 2021
I’m Guessing the Fence isn’t Polling Well
Dear Colleague on Capitol Security | Speaker Nancy Pelosi
The U.S. Capitol Police, working with federal, state and local intelligence partners, has concluded that “there does not exist a known, credible threat against Congress or the Capitol Complex that warrants the temporary security fencing.” Therefore, alterations to the temporary fencing around the Capitol will soon be made, and the National Guard presence will also begin to draw down. However, the USCP will continue to monitor the threat posture, and plans will be adjusted if and as needed.
Of course, there never was a credible threat. And it’s incredibly bad optics. And, despite her other faults, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12), is not stupid. She can see how it looks and I’m guessing has some lovely internal polls to reinforce that, so the military occupation of Washington, D.C. will be ending.
They Knew—They Didn’t Care
Nursing Home 'Patients Will Die', Staff Warned New Jersey – PJ Media
I may have to re-assign my “horrible, horrible person” label from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12) to Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY). I guess I could save time and just assign it to all Democrats.
Last March, as Gov. Phil Murphy (D-N.J.) ordered nursing homes to admit patients recovering from COVID-19, nursing home administrators warned New Jersey Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli that the new policy amounted to a death sentence for elderly residents.
“Patients will die,” an unidentified administrator declared, according to a recording of the March 21, 2020 meeting first reported by NJ Advance Media. “You understand that by asking us to take COVID patients, by demanding we take COVID patients, that patients will die in nursing homes that wouldn’t have otherwise died had we screened them out.”
About 8,000 COVID-19 deaths — roughly 40 percent of New Jersey’s 21,000 COVID-19 deaths — trace back to nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. On March 31, Murphy’s administration directed nursing homes to re-admit residents who had been discharged from hospitals while recovering from COVID-19.
They knew. They didn’t care. They were too busy getting on TV and promoting themselves.
Like the kids in cages in the last post, I’m sure this is all Trump’s fault somehow. He was out herding up senior citizens and shoving them into China Virus dens.
Andrew Cuomo did this.
And the left and the media (but I repeat myself) let him get away with it. Because it was important to show how great Democrats are and how awful Trump was.
Now we know the truth.
Trump is out There Right Now, Putting Kids in Cages
Psaki suggested that the Trump administration was responsible for the crisis that experts have repeatedly stated is a direct result of Biden’s leftist policies. Even Mexico has expressed worry that Biden is “stoking illegal immigration” and “creating business for organized crime.” Biden’s aides have blocked him from answering questions about his border crisis.
“We are trying to work through what was a dismantled and unprepared system because of the role of the last administration,” Psaki said. “It’s going to take some time, but we are very clear-eyed about what the problems are, and very focused on putting forward solutions.”
The situation has grown almost exponentially worse since President Joe Biden (D-USA) was inaugurated. But it’s all Donald Trump’s fault.
Apparently he’s out there right now grabbing kids and locking them up.
I would ask just how stupid Psaki thinks we are, but the truly sad thing is that most people will believe her. We really are that stupid.
15 March, 2021
Like Many Stories About Donald Trump, this one Turns Out to be Entirely Fake
Recording Proves Trump Didn't Say 'Find the Fraud' – PJ Media
In January, the Washington Post published a “bombshell” story alleging that in a December phone call, President Donald Trump urged Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find the fraud” in the 2020 election and said that he’d be a “national hero” if he did.
Many on the Left interpreted the quote to mean Trump was pressuring Raffensperger to illegally find votes to overturn the results. The Washington Post even suggested the call itself could constitute obstruction of justice.
The Washington Post has now issued a major correction to the original story after a recording of the call proved Trump never said such things.
This wasn’t a minor correction. They essentially retracted the entire story.
This kind of mistake is beyond serious. There's zero accountability in major corporate media anymore, yet they continually insist they're the ones holding the line on the truth. And always remember what should scare you about the media is what *doesn't get exposed."
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) March 15, 2021
Remember, this was originally going to be part of the Impeachment Articles. This is a big part of why many people thought Trump deserved to be impeached. It moved public opinion against Trump and the GOP in a major way. It may have cost the GOP the two Senate seats in the Georgia run-off.
And WaPo says “oops, we goofed.”
People need to lose their jobs over this sort of thing. They need to become un-hirable in the industry. Careers need to be destroyed.
But no one will face anything.
And a year from now, go ask 10 random people about this story about the phone call. At least 7 will remember the original story, and not the correction, and believe the original story to be true.
We have a crisis in America. We have a media that has no interest in telling the truth, only in advancing the narrative. And as long as they continue to face no consequences for doing this, it will only get worse.
Combine this with our Big Tech overlords deciding what we are and are not allowed to say, and the idea of America, of what America and freedom are all about, may have never been in a more fragile place.
I fear for my children’s future. I fear what kind of country they will inherit.
Another Story that Would Have been Quite Different Two Months Ago—What Changed?
Legacy Media Buries News of Portland Antifa Riots – PJ Media
The antifa riots in Portland have continued into this year. On Friday, Portland Police detained 100 rioters and arrested 17 of them. On Thursday, March 11, antifa rioters set fire to the federal courthouse and the DHS under Joe Biden used tear gas to disperse them. Riots also broke out in Los Angeles and Seattle over the weekend.
Yet the legacy media TV networks appear not to have noticed any of this. On Monday, Newsbusters reported that the ABC, CBS, and NBC evening newscasts devoted a grand total of zero seconds — yes, not one solitary second — to the riots in Portland.
This kind of thing was huge news last year. What changed?
Oh, I remember what changed.
Can’t have anything make this president look bad.
Only an Idiot Would Raise Taxes in the Middle of an Economic Crisis—So This is no Surprise
Biden Is Planning First ‘Major Federal Tax Hike’ In Nearly 30 Years: Report | The Daily Wire
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has said at least part of the next bill will have to be paid for, and pointed to higher rates — key advisers are now making preparations for a package of measures that could include an increase in both the corporate tax rate and the individual rate for high earners.”
Stupidity compounded upon stupidity. Only an idiot would ever raise corporate taxes. They’re already far too high.
And I bet you that “high earners” isn’t as “high” as you might think.
I have a totally radical proposal for getting the economy going post-China Virus, and for solving our debt/deficit problem.
It’s George Costanza day. Do the opposite.
It’s time to really put Laffer to work.
Pick a day on the calendar when you think the country will be “open enough” so that it’s worth kickstarting the economy. Based on his speech last week, our President Joe Biden (D-USA) seems to think that’s July 4. I think July 4 would be excellent. Independence Day.
Ok, now you have your day. Announce that for 1 full year from that day, the American income tax rate across all brackets will be zero. That’s for individuals, married couples, LLC’s, LLP’s, S-Corps, and whatever other forms I can’t remember.
Individual credits would still apply, meaning many people would even get a check back from the government. No corporate credits.
I know. You’re telling me I’m crazy. The government will be printing money it doesn’t have. We can’t afford it.
You’re absolutely right.
But it’s no worse than what we’ve done in the last year, and at least this would be targeted at an achievable goal, that of getting the economy moving again.
And boy would it. You’d see economic growth like we’ve never seen in this country before.
Then after that year is up, you wipe the tax code clean. You start out with a very simple and exceptionally low tax rate. Low because we want to keep the economy on fire for at least a few more years.
You continue to slowly raise the tax rates over the next decade or so, using it as a brake on an overheating economy, but your GDP is so freaking huge at this point that even low tax rates are bringing in enormous sums of money.
You then use those enormous sums of money to pay off the debt.
Everybody wins. Literally everybody. There won’t be a person in the country that isn’t substantially wealthier than they are now.
14 March, 2021
This is a Revolting, and Yet Very Revealing Graph
You know how the left keeps warning us about right-wing violence? Yeah, about that.
Bad. And getting worse?
— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) March 11, 2021
1 in 3 on the far left think violence is acceptable when pursuing political change.
Less than 1 in 20 on the far right think the same thing.
The Left Embraces Political Violence Far More Than the Right – PJ Media
As the riots continued, night after night, week after week, month after month, Democrat after Democrat trotted out before a television camera, or onto a CNN or MSNBC set, to remind America that “far-right extremists” are far more likely to embrace violence as means to achieve political goals, and peaceful, “buy the world a Coke and teach it to sing in perfect harmony” Democrats were anything but.
Well, we all saw it all last year. Hundreds of riots in dozens of cities, all summer long. All from the left.
Then one little block party by some right-wingers in Washington, D.C. and the country is in an uproar.
Do yourself a favor. Look up the word “gaslighting”. The media is selling you a blatantly false narrative, one that cannot be supported by facts.
I am trying not to do too many of these self-congratulatory posts. I really am. But this is a major milestone.
Before this year, the most posts I’d made in a single year was 411, in 2011. This will be my 412th post this year. And it’s not even quite the middle of march.
The next milestone? 1003. I had done 1002 posts total in my blogging career before this year. At my current pace, I will hit 1003 posts this year in June or July.
Hope you’re enjoying.
Newt Gingrich Gets Suspended From Twitter for Stating the Truth
This is not disinformation of any kind. You can disagree with some of this, but what he said is objectively true. The Biden administration is allowing illegal aliens with the China Virus to enter the company without quarantining them. This is stupid, and is going to turn out poorly.
Now, you may argue that Governor Greg Abbot’s (R-TX) “reforms” will make things worse also. But that would actually be an opinion. It’s a guarantee that letting known China Virus carriers wander around is problematic.
Tech oligarchs are destroying the country's culture of free speech
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) March 14, 2021
Day by day, our tech overlords become more and more appalling.
So glad I left Twitter.
“Unaccompanied Migrant Children in US Border Patrol Facilities”
Just two months ago, those were called “kids in cages”. What changed?
The number of unaccompanied migrant children in US Border Patrol facilities, which are akin to jail cells and not intended for kids, has reached dramatic highs, documents show
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) March 8, 2021
March 14, 1592
[O]n this day at 6.53am is the largest correspondence between calendar dates and significant digits of pi, since the introduction of the Julian calendar (3.14159265358)
History Trumps the Narrative—Again
President Trump is criticized for pretty much having no plan to respond to COVID. He only shut down travel from China, Europe, increased our testing capacity, and gave us a vaccine to combat the virus and its spread—but sure, tell yourselves he did nothing. Since the media is that dense, we need to remind these idiots that the only reason why we’re going to be able to turn the corner on COVID is that one man gave us the ability to dole out not one, but three vaccines. His name is Donald J. Trump. Not Joe Biden. Trump and his Operation Warp Speed are why we’re going to be able to get back to normal.
via Fauci:
Dominating in my thoughts that week was the day we shut down or made the decision to shut down Europe," Fauci said of the week of March 9, 2020.
"It was clear that New York was getting hit by cases that were coming, not from China directly, but were coming from Italy and then essentially the rest of Europe."
During a meeting with former Vice President Mike Pence, White House coronavirus response coordinator Deborah Birx, and former Health Secretary Alex Azar, Trump asked Fauci what he thought the U.S. should do.
He replied: "If you really don't want a big influx of cases coming in from Europe, we really need to shut down, you know, Italy. And then they said, 'Well, you can't just do Italy. We got to do essentially all the countries in the European Union.'"
"To the president's credit, he said, 'Well, if we got to do it, if the docs think we need to do it, we're just going to have to do it.'"
And our wonderful President Joe Biden (D-USA), what was he doing? Oh yeah, calling the President xenophobic.
We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) February 1, 2020
What are they Hiding?
They won’t let lawyers in. They won’t let the press in either.
What are they hiding?
Biden administration denies lawyers access to migrant facility: Report (
Lawyers have apparently been denied access to a Texas border facility where hundreds of migrant children are being held.
The Border Patrol tent facility, which is located in Donna, Texas, is housing more than 1,000 people and has children sleeping in close quarters, with some sleeping on the floor due to a dearth of mats. Nonprofit lawyers are complaining that they have been denied access to evaluate the situation.
“It is pretty surprising that the administration talks about the importance of transparency and then won’t let the attorneys for children set eyes on where they’re staying,” said lawyer Leecia Welch. “I find that very disappointing.”
It’s like a Scientology “camp”.
I have to Admit it. I Thought this was Satire. I Really Did.
Activists call for Oprah memes to be banned, calls them "digital blackface" (
They can’t be serious.
They ARE serious?
They are:
According to the Slow Factory Foundation, an organization dedicated to environmental and social justice, non-blacks should not use Oprah’s memes from the interview. In an Instagram post, the organization defined “digital blackface” as an “online phenomenon” where non-blacks, particularly whites, use images of black people to express their emotions.
“While seemingly harmless, the problem with digital blackface is that it often reinforces negative stereotypes about Black folks such as they’re aggressive, loud, sassy and simply here for your consumption and entertainment,” the Slow Factory Foundation post read.
“Performing Blackness, be it IRL or online, is not an acceptable form of expressing reaction or dissatisfaction, especially not in exchange for likes and retweets,” it added.
OMFG. We have reached peak stupidity. Stop the ride. I want to get off.
They Don’t Call it ‘Kindle’ for Nothing
Amazon used to be “Earth’s Biggest Bookstore”, now they’re “Earth’s Biggest Book Burner”.
Amazon Won’t ‘Sell Books That Frame LGBTQ+ Identity as a Mental Illness’ (
Amazon explained to Republican senators it won’t sell any books framing transgender and sexual identities as mental illnesses because of company policy.
The uproar started when Amazon removed When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment in 2018.
Of course that book does no such thing. But, as usual with the left, the narrative is far more important than the facts.
Even if it did, Amazon’s virtual monopoly on e-books gives it very limited freedom on what it can choose to sell or not to sell.
And this is How you Know the Whole “Russia! Russia! Russia!” Narrative was a Farce
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leaving Rep. Eric Swalwell on the House Intelligence Committee, she announced on Friday, despite the California Democrat’s close contacts with an alleged Chinese spy.
Swalwell for years maintained contact with Christine Fang, a Chinese national who the FBI determined was working covertly as an intelligence agent for the Chinese Ministry of State Security.
If the Democrats truly believed that collusion with foreign entities was a problem, Swalwell would not only be off the committee, but he’d be out of Congress as well.
But they don’t, and they never did. It was all just a convenient excuse to attack President Donald Trump (R-USA).
Censorship & the Democratic Party
I hate quoting so much, but this is important. This is the issue of our time. The Left absolutely, positively must be stopped or there will be no America.
Not even two months into their reign as the majority party that controls the White House and both houses of Congress, key Democrats have made clear that one of their top priorities is censorship of divergent voices. On Saturday, I detailed how their escalating official campaign to coerce and threaten social media companies into more aggressively censoring views that they dislike — including by summoning social media CEOs to appear before them for the third time in less than five months — is implicating, if not already violating, core First Amendment rights of free speech.
Now they are going further — much further. The same Democratic House Committee that is demanding greater online censorship from social media companies now has its sights set on the removal of conservative cable outlets, including Fox News, from the airwaves.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee on Monday announced a February 24 hearing, convened by one of its sub-committees, entitled “Fanning the Flames: Disinformation and Extremism in the Media.” Claiming that “the spread of disinformation and extremism by traditional news media presents a tangible and destabilizing threat,” the Committee argues: “Some broadcasters’ and cable networks’ increasing reliance on conspiracy theories and misleading or patently false information raises questions about their devotion to journalistic integrity.”
Read the whole thing. And share it. Shout it from the rooftops if you have to. This is important.
80 million of you voted for this. I hope you’re happy.