Vice President Joe Biden (D-VISA USA) said this weekend that the GOP approach to the debt ceiling talks “borders on immoral”. Apparently, this is the new attack plan for the administration. When asked about it, White House Secretary Jay Carney said the President would agree.
Let me tell you a few things that I think are immoral.
- Running up a huge debt, bringing on the “most predictable economic crisis in history”, that will ruin the standard of living in the United States for the middle and lower classes, and saddling that debt on our children and grandchildren.
- Demonizing people that are attempting to solve the debt problem while you ignore it.
- Not presenting a federal budget for nearly 800 days.
- Pretending that raising taxes will solve our problem, and that achieving tax revenue of 25% of GDP is no small thing and won’t affect the middle class.
- The worse-than-Orwellian phrase “spending reductions in the tax code”.
- Stealing from automaker bondholders in order to reward union pals.
- Drafting an executive order that limits freedom of speech for political opponents.
- Using thugs during your campaign to shut down freedom of speech of those who criticized you.
- Refusing to defend a political cartoonist who was forced into hiding by radical Islam merely for suggesting that others exercise their freedom of speech.
- Asking the DOJ to step in and stop an ad that shows that you have ties to terrorist Bill Ayers.
- Suing a state for attempting to enforce federal law.
- Telling a state that they must use public funding for abortions in spite of the will of the populace and a law passed by the state.
- Ignoring wildfires in a state merely because you disagree with the state politics.
- Releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve merely for political gain.
- Military action in a foreign country without consultation with Congress.
- Ignoring Congress and will of people and passing the DREAM ACT through executive fiat.
- Ignoring Congress and will of people and passing Net Neutrality through regulatory fiat.
- Withdrawing troops from Afghanistan as a political tool against recommendations of commander and endangering the remaining troops.
- A stimulus package that doesn’t stimulate anything except government growth.
- Death Panels
- Laws with no standards for enforcement
- Destroying American healthcare with a law that achieves exactly ZERO of its stated goals
- Ignoring the weak state of the economy for over a year just to get your signature legislation passed.
- Partying in the White House while 45 million Americans are on food stamps.
- Allowing the NLRB to determine where businesses can locate.
- Golfing 75 times including 13 weeks in a row while American troops are engaged in four wars.
- Cozying up to dictators like Hugo Chavez & Ahmadinejad while insulting our allies (Israel, Great Britain)
- Allowing your Senate seat to be sold to the highest bidder
- Using the ATF to sell guns to Mexican drug cartels in an effort to advance gun control efforts
- Finally, and most grotesquely, this.
Mr. President, don’t lecture me on morality until you understand what the word means.
Presi.. well.. whatever the Hell Obumahola is, does understand! He doesn't care. Everything's moral if done by commielib politicians in order to nullify that damn, disgusting, freedom and responsibility concept! Oh well, America's been votin' for it for decades and it's startin' to pay of handsomely!