08 April, 2011

Catching Up With Mr. Barnum

When we last left P.T., rubes were jumping off the ObamaCare bandwagon as fast as they could. What’s happened since then?

Well, first thanks to Jamie Dupree,  we’ve discovered 129 new waivers, mostly given to unions, such as:

  • Teamsters Local 237 in New York, covering over 51,000 workers
  • Carpenters District Council of Kansas City Welfare Plan, for 20,898 workers
  • Southeastern Iron Workers, for 5,143 policies
  • Minneapolis Retail Meat Cutters and Food Handlers for 10,720
  • the Fulton Fish Market Welfare Fund for 1,211
  • That brings the total to 1,168. I just love it when the same law applies to everyone equally. Don’t you?

    But wait. That’s not even the best part. We also discovered some nice things inside the ObamaCare bill that no one bothered to read. Again, we have Jamie Dupree to thank for a nice summation.

    Facing questions from both parties in the Congress, the Obama Administration has now revealed how it has spent over $1.7 billion on part of the Obama health law, known as the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program.

    This plan is intended to help companies pay the cost of health care for their early retirees, but lawmakers say it is wrongly benefiting companies like AT&T and General Electric, who have billions in profits on their bottom lines.


    Here is the list of unions, companies, state and local governments and other business entities who received money under the Obama health law for their early retiree health programs:

    United Auto Workers Retiree Medical Benefits Trust 206,798,086
    AT&T, Inc. 140,022,949
    Verizon Communications Inc. 91,702,538
    Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio 70,557,764
    Teacher Retirement System of Texas 68,074,118
    Georgia Department of Community Health 57,936,127
    California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) 57,834,267
    State of New York 47,869,044
    State of New Jersey Treasury Department, Pension Accounting Services Department 38,622,698
    General Electric Company 36,607,818
    Employees Retirement System of Texas 30,175,627
    Commonwealth of Kentucky 29,666,516
    South Carolina Budget & Control Board Employee Insurance Program 27,142,502
    Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 24,522,631
    State of Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System 22,620,604
    State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio 20,334,357
    State of Michigan 20,247,338
    General Motors, LLC 19,002,669


    The list is much longer. Go to Jamie’s page for the whole list. I just did a few from the top. These are organizations that are getting taxpayer $ to fund their retiree programs. You’re paying UAW’s retirement benefits. So, not only is  ObamaCare taking money from me again for non-public use, but it’s giving it to selected organizations.

    ObamaCare isn’t about health care. It’s about taking your money, and giving it to the people that Obama likes. Obama and the Executive Branch get to pick and choose who gets rewarded and how. Please, someone…anyone, explain to me how this is fair and why anyone with a functioning brain should be in favor of this and support it.

    I still say that if you do, you’re either one of the lucky people getting the payouts, or you’re the one that P.T. Barnum is looking for.

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