01 February, 2021

Big Government

Report: Biden administration can't account for as many as 20 million vaccine doses that were sent to states – TheBlaze

According to a report from Politico, the Biden administration is struggling mightily to deliver on its promise to get a handle on the COVID-19 pandemic, and may have even lost track of as many as 20 million vaccine doses that were sent to the states.

Ok, I bring this up not to mock President Joe Biden’s (D-USA) administration, believe it or not. With such a big rollout, things like this were bound to happen.

No, I am reminding everyone that this is the kind of thing the Trump administration would have had to spend weeks explaining. And it’s barely newsworthy in 2021. I am reminding everyone that left mercilessly savaged Trump when anything like this occurred. This sort of thing was why we voted him out. Biden was going to make everything better.


Finally, I want to remind everyone that this is the kind of thing you get with big government. And 80 million of you voted for more and bigger government.


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