14 April, 2021

I Think They Call That “Checkmate”, Mr. President

This is just brutal. And I hate to excerpt most of the article, but every sentence is important.

Ga. State Rep. Calls Joe Biden's Bluff on Georgia's 'Jim Crow on Steroids'

“So, in light of President Biden’s concerns about our law here in Georgia, I have decided that I am going to introduce new legislation,” [State Rep Wes Cantrell (R-GA-22)] continued. “The name of this new bill is going to be ‘The President Joe Biden Jim Crow on steroids Voter Act.’ … This new bill will change our voting laws so that they mirror the president’s home state of Delaware.”

That’s a harsh beginning, but it gets better.

“This law will have five key features to make us like Delaware,” the state representative began. “Instead of having up to 19 days of early voting like we have here in Georgia, we’re going to have exactly zero early voting days, because that’s how they do it in Delaware.”

“Instead of having no-excuse absentee voting, like we have here in Georgia,” Cantrell continued, “we’re going to make you have an excuse to have an absentee ballot, and that excuse will be you’re either sick or you’re disabled, because that’s how they do it in Delaware.”

“Instead of having secure drop-boxes where you can place your absentee ballot in one of those drop-boxes for security’s sake, we’re going to provide you with exactly zero drop-boxes, because that’s how they do it in Delaware,” he said.

“And instead of being able to get food or drink from anyone outside of the 150-foot buffer zone while you’re voting, or being able to be provided water inside the 150-foot buffer area, we’re going to make it illegal for you to receive anything of value at any point while you’re standing in line to vote, because that’s how they do it in Delaware,” Cantrell added.

Finally, the state representative addressed what he claimed would be “the worst feature of all.” “Instead of being able to vote in relative quiet like we do here in Georgia, we’re going to make it so that when you walk up to vote they’re going to announce your name, out loud, so that anyone in the precinct can object to your right to vote. And worse yet, during a primary, they’re not just going to announce your name, they’re going to announce your party affiliation, as well. Why? Because that’s how they do it in Delaware,” he said.


Read the whole thing.

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