Researchers: School closures endanger children — Joanne Jacobs
Our kids had the option of returning to school part time (which has since been changed to 4 days a week) or of staying home. We kept them at home. Both my wife and I are at somewhat high risk for the China Virus, so perhaps our choice was somewhat selfish. But this has been hard on the kids, and I think harder as time has gone on. I think now that we made the wrong decision. Next fall they will definitely be going back to school.
“The science shows we can safely reopen schools now for full-time (non-hybrid) learning,” write four doctors who’ve researched Covid-19 in USA Today. Keeping schools closed is harming children’s health.
Children are no more likely to die Covid-19 than they are of seasonal flu, write Dr. Tara O. Henderson, Dr. Monica Gandhi, Dr. Tracy Beth Hoeg and Dr. Daniel Johnson. They are much more likely to die of suicide, in some cases “driven by school closure.”
The Centers for Disease Control guidance is way too conservative, their research shows. “Viral spread is minimal in schools with appropriate safety precautions,” even in communities with a much higher disease prevalence than the CDC recommendations.
The science is settled.
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