13 March, 2021

Now Why Would you Suspect Voter Fraud?

Twenty-eight states changed voting rules to boost mail-in ballots (washingtonexaminer.com)

Well, this is interesting (emphasis mine):

A new report on the vast expansion of mail-in ballots in the 2020 election is set to spark new concerns among some Republicans who back former President Donald Trump’s charge that some states went too far to change the rules — illegally.

The group Nonprofit Vote said today that 28 states changed voting rules enabling more people to vote by mail than in person.

Among the three “key takeaways” cited was this: “28 States changed their policy to make it easier to use a mail ballot.”

As a result, it added, “For the first time ever, more people voted early with a mail ballot or in-person than filled out a ballot at the polls on Election Day.

I warned about this back in July. On that other Social Media platform I used to post on. I said at the time that what the Democrats were doing would make the losing side never trust the outcome of the election, no matter which side it was.

This was obvious then. It’s obvious now. It will be obvious again in 2022 and 2024 if these things aren’t fixed.

And you can get banned on Twitter for pointing them out. Why is that?

Once more:


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