07 November, 2021

TFW You’re a Democrat Mayor in Chicago, and the Unions Hate You

‘Almost Deafening’: Lori Lightfoot Booed On Stage At Fundraiser For First Union To Endorse Her In 2019 | The Daily Wire

At a fundraiser for Plumbers Union Local 130 on Sunday, Lightfoot was met with boos from the crowd after she was introduced on stage, video shows.

The mayor “spoke for less than a minute. And there was a resounding booing throughout the room,” one reported attendee told the paper. “Almost deafening … I was sitting at the table with a bunch of plumbers. They’re like, ‘We’ve never heard that before here.’ … Clearly, their membership is not with her. … They were calling her names. It was bad.”

The Democrats are no longer the friend of the common man. In truth, they never were, but they hid that better. They can’t hide it anymore.

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