22 November, 2021

163,000 Illegal Aliens Arrested at Borde in October

Old record for October was 91,000, back in 1999.

As October Shatters Yet Another Border Arrests Record, Guess Which Judge Tried to Block Illegal Immigrant Expulsions? – PJ Media

Apprehensions along the U.S.–Mexico border in October set a new record for the month, unpublished data obtained by The Epoch Times show.

Border Patrol logged about 163,000 arrests of illegal immigrants at the northern and southern borders, according to preliminary data that doesn’t include Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Field Operations (OFO). While arrests at the U.S.–Canadian border are typically less than 100 each month, the OFO has recently recorded at least 5,096 arrests per month.

While the total apprehensions are down from the previous month, they established a new record for October, easily clearing the 91,410 arrests recorded in October of 1999 and well above the figures seen during recent administrations.

And this follows a fiscal year that shattered every record since the Border Patrol agency was first formed in 1925, according to another report from The Epoch Times:

Border Patrol agents apprehended a total of 1,666,167 illegal immigrants along the southwest border in fiscal 2021—breaking all records since the agency was formed in 1925 (when 22,199 illegal aliens were arrested).

The left wants open borders. Don’t let them lie to you about that. If you don’t, then don’t vote for them.

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